Action Element


  • Action Element

        • What are Action elements?
        • How can we use Actions in a flow?

  • Action Element

    Using Actions

    Actions allow us to call Apex classes and Quick Actions from within our Flow.

    Apex Classes

    Apex Classes are a great way to expand our Flow when we find something that Flow cannot do, we can get developers to write this code. Alternatively, we may find some pre-written Apex code that we can install.

    Any Apex classes that are annotated with @InvocableMethod can be used.

    For example:

    global class lookUpAccountAnnotation {
       public static List<String> getAccountIds(List<String> names) {
          List<Id> accountIds = new List<Id>();
          List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name in :names];
          for (Account account : accounts) {
          return accountIds;

    Note: If you are using a Developer org for your Flow building in this course there will probably not be any Apex classes available.

    Global and Object-Specific Quick Actions

    All the standard (Salesforce provided) Global and Object-Specific Quick Actions and any we have created are available.

    A Quick Action to Add a Note:

    Selecting the Action:

    Configuring the new Action:

    When we run the action it creates a new note and relates it to our contact: (via the recordId)

    Other Actions

    There are a wide variety of standard Actions (via Quick Actions) available including:

      • Add Members to Groups
      • Add Groups
      • Create and Update Tasks
      • Log a Call
      • Create a Case
      • Create an Account
      • Create a Contact
      • Create an Event
      • Create a Lead
      • Create an Opportunity
      • Post to Chatter
      • Send Custom Notifications
      • Send Email
      • Submit for Approval
      • Plus any Global or Object-Specific Quick Actions you have created.

  • Exercise: Call an Action

Build a Flow with the Action element

Using Actions in a Flow

Actions allow us to call other automation from our flow, either Quick Actions or Apex code that you have installed or your developers have written.


Create a flow that uses a pre-built quick action or an Apex action to do the work for us.


Get some input parameters for a Lead record, use the New Lead Action to create a quick lead record.

Your new flow is a fairly simple one and will look like this when finished:

Start by creating a new Screen Flow and adding these four components:

Configure each of the components as shown below:


Company Name: (note you need to tick Require to make this mandatory)

Phone: (Note: Making this field Required is different)

Email: (also required)

Add a new element - Action.

Select the action New Lead:

Configure the parameters to pass from your screen to the action:

(Notice how the "Compound field" Name can now be split into its parts - First Name, Last Name and Salutation)

Save and run your new flow (in debug mode):

Check the results - did it create a new Lead record?

Wow, now that was easy!

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