
Difference Between ServiceNow & Salesforce?




Platforms Supported

Web-based, iPhone & Android app

Web-based, Windows phone app

Typical Customers

Enterprise & Mid-size business Customers

Enterprise, Small & MId-sie business Customers


Phone & Online Support, Knowledgebase, Video tutorials

Phone & Online Support, Knowledgebase, Video tutorials


OpsGenie, PagerDuty, Workato

MailChimp, Trello


No CSA, CCM Certification

CSA, CCM Certification


No encryption i.e sensitive data which is at rest

Encryption of sensitive data at rest

Access Control

No multifactor in the authentication process

Multi-factor in the authentication process

Data Policy

No data backup in multiple locations

Data backup in multiple locations

What is ServiceNow?

Ans: ServiceNow is a cloud-based ITSM platform for automating IT management workflows and common business processes.

It serves as a ticketing tool.

It is a Saas platform and it function as Paas .

customization can be done using Java script.


ServiceNow provides transparency, enhances collaboration, and improves the customer experience. With its flexible and customizable platform, businesses can adapt quickly to changing business needs and improve overall agility.

The ServiceNow platform easily integrates with other tools, letting users manage projects, teams and customer interactions using a variety of apps and plugins. For example, users can perform VMware AirWatch tasks within the ServiceNow interface. ServiceNow also provides an app store offering third-party tools.


·       admin user

·       approver_user

·       itil

·       catalog_admin

·       self service user

How to use for a business perspective :

Asset and Configuration : Identify and monitor IT service assets and their realationships.

Planned and Policy : Define IT strategies and manage projects.

IT services : deliver IT services and support to business users.

IT Operations management : Track and manage IT resources and systems.

Non-IT Services : Automate business process outside of IT


Features of ServiceNow

Asset management.

Change and release management.

Configuration management

Incident management

IT cost management

Problem management

Service catalog

Demand management

Simple and consistent

Flexible and security

Easy to integrate

Speed time to production

All is in the table format

Approval Process

Different type of Modules

Different type of Users

Update Set

Functionality in Service Now

Manage the Data (Group, Users)

Load the Data

Export the data

Import the Data

Email notification and SM



Mobile and Desktop views

Live feeds

Knowledge Module

Service Portal

Content Management System.

P1 is global issue  if one person is not able to access this is not P1,

P2 across region not around the world

What do you mean by the term “Application” in ServiceNow?

Ans: Application is a group of modules that provides related information.

For example, a change application provides information related to the change process. It consists of modules like create change tickets, view change tickets, etc.

What is the latest ServiceNow user interface and when it was released?

Ans: The latest user interface is the UI16 interface. It came in the Vancore release

What is the full form of CMDB?

Ans: Configuration Management Database

What is the CMDB Baseline?

Ans: CMDB baselines help to understand and control the changes that have been made to a configuration item(CI) after its Baseline has been created. The baseline is the snapshot of a CI

How to enable or disable an application?

Ans: Navigate to the “Application Menus” module under the system definition application. Open the respective application that requires enabling or disable. Set active as true to enable it or set active to false to disable it

What is a view?

Ans: The view defines the arrangement of fields on a form or a list. For one single form, we can define multiple views according to the user preferences or requirements.

What is the ACL?

Ans: An ACL is an access control list that defines what data a user can access and how they can access it in service now.

What do you mean by impersonating a user? How it is useful?

Ans: Administrators can impersonate other authenticated users for testing purposes or better understanding customer issue and view impersonation logs. The impersonation option is not visible in the mobile view of the platform. by default, it is visible to admins only. When impersonating another user, the administrator has access to exactly what that user can access in the system, including the same menus and modules. The instance records anything the administrator does while impersonating another user as having been done by that user.

Note: Impersonate roles is applicable to only particular session.

User impersonation allows you to temporarily sign in as a different user / another user without knowing their password or other authentication credentials.

System Administrators have a superpower called impersonation. Impersonation allows System Administrators to temporarily become another authenticated user for testing purposes. Impersonation does not require knowing another user's password. When impersonating a user, the admin can see and do exactly what the impersonated user can do.

Elevated Privilege Roles: It requires the user has to assign manually to himself. So that he can perform the activity with this role./ can access the features of the role. this role ends the session last / logout

Elevated privileges mean higher than normal privileges. Admin privileges is generally the highest possible privileges, but there can be different types of Admin privileges (Local Computer Admin, Domain Computer Admin, Server Admin, etc)

security_admin : Grant modification access to High Security Settings and modify the Access Control List

In order to change many security settings, including the creation of contextual security rules, you need the security_admin role. Unlike most other roles, admins do not automatically inherit it, and you also need to activate it when you want to use it. This is designed to reduce mistakes.

Elevated privileges can allow an individual to install applications, change system configurations and other settings, access or modify server systems and their data, and modify the privileges of other users.

In an environment where there are too many administrators, or elevated-privilege accounts, there is an increased risk of compromise. When elevated access is persistent or elevated-privilege accounts use the same credentials to access multiple resources, a compromised account can become a major breach.

User group A group is a set of users who share a common purpose. Members of groups perform tasks such as approving change requests, resolving incidents, receiving email notifications, or performing change request tasks. Assign every user to at least one group. A good practice is to assign roles to groups rather than to users. Administrators can assign roles quickly to multiple users by adding the users to the group. If a user moves to another group, the role assigned to the new group is applied automatically.

Roles Roles control access to features and capabilities in applications and modules. The admin role provides access to all features and capabilities. After access has been granted to a role, all the groups or users assigned to the role are granted the access. Roles can contain other roles, and any access granted to a role is granted to any role that contains it.

Nested Roles A role can contain another role(s) within it and will be automatically added in the group/user if the parent role is granted. In the below example, admin role contains other 3 roles. Admin role is called the parent role and the contained roles are called child roles. Use Edit to add/remove role(s) using slushbucket.

Base Table and Core Table

Table which would not extend any table and can be extensible is said to be base table. Some of the base table are: cmdb, task, task_activity, cmdb_model etc. Table which exist in base system is said to be core table.

whereas task table is base table as well as core table both. So,the difference between base table and core table in servicenow is that Base table may be a core table (for e.g. task), but it is not necessary that core table is always to be a base table (for e.g. incident and problem).

To be specific cmdb_ci and task are called core tables... Base tables are extended, but itself is not an extended table.

Which is the Parent table for the incident, change, and problem?

Ans: Task table

What is a record producer?

Ans: A record producer is a type of catalogue item that allows users to create task-based records from the service catalogue.

For example, you can create a change record or problem record using a record producer. Record producers provide an alternative way to create records through the service catalogue

What is a dictionary override?

Ans: Dictionary Overrides provides the capability to override several properties of a field in an extended table.

Dictionary overrides allow system administrators to define certain field settings on an extended table differently from those on the parent table without affecting the parent table or its extended tables. Dictionary overrides are defined in the dictionary entry record for the field on the parent table.

What do you mean by coalescing?

Ans: Coalesce is a property of a field that we use in transform map field mapping. When we set the coalesce as true for a field mapping it signifies that this field will work as a unique key.

If a field match is found with the coalesce field, then the existing record will be updated with the imported information in the target table else a new record will be inserted into the target table

·        If no fields are coalesce fields, records are always inserted on import.

What is a UI policy?

Ans: UI policies are alternatives to client scripts. It can be used to set a field as mandatory, read-only, and visible on a form. You can also use UI policy for dynamically changing a field on a form.

What is a data policy?

Ans: Data policy checks the mandatory and read-only of a field whenever a record is inserted or updated through a web service or import set.

For example: If a mandatory field in the incoming record (from import set or web service) is empty then the data policy will not allow inserting that record into the table.


What is the difference between UI policy and data policy?


Ans: Data policy gets executed in server- side and UI policy gets executed on client side. DATA POLICY implements data regularity by keeping as mandatory or read only field attributes. The UI policy logic gets applied to data entered in the form whereas the data policy logic gets executed no matter how a record changes. Scripts cannot be applied to Data policy.

It's often possible to convert a UI Policy to a Data Policy, and vice versa. On the UI Policy form, you'll find a UI Action called convert this to Data Policy. This UI Action will only show up if the following criteria are met: The Run Scripts tick-box on the Advanced view must not be checked.

We can convert Data Policy into UI Policy and vice versa. ON the UI policy form we can find a UI action button called convert this to the Data policy. Clicking this button will automatically generate a new data policy and will automatically take you to the form that will be displaying the new record, and from data policy to UI policy we will have to navigate to System Policy à Rulesà Data Policies, and then click the existing Data Policy, under the Related Links we will find a Convert this to UI Policy by clicking that a new UI policy record will appear, after that we need to edit the fields in it as we need them.


Client and Server-side Programming

ServiceNow uses JavaScript and makes use of both client-side and server-side programming. Although there are tasks both types can do, there are some tasks that can only be done client-side and other tasks that can only be done server-side.

Client-side programming is often preferred by users, due to the immediate interactivity of the scripts. Server-side programming is often preferred by developers due to eased complexity and better performance.


Client-side Programming

ServiceNow Client scripts are Javascript that runs on the client-side (the user's web browser) and instead of the server (on the server). Often it is used for immediate form changes, form validation, or user input, and when limited database lookups are needed.


§  Can run immediately on field change or form load

§  Can provide interactive windows with AJAX


§  No sequencing for client scripts running on same table

§  Can affect performance

§  Limited APIs

§  Can be affected by the type of browser used


Server-side Programming

ServiceNow Server-side programming like business rules, is JavaScript configured to run when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, deleted, or when a table is queried.

ServiceNow uses server-side scripting in areas such as:

§  Business Rules

§  Script Includes

§  Workflow Scripting

§  Transform Map script


§  Performance. When running code on the server, it often has a faster load time and

§  processing time than a client script

§  Not affected by type of browser

§  Can perform complex database lookups

§  Can dot-walk many levels, however three levels is often a recommend maximum


• Not as interactive as client scripts, needs an event like save, delete, or display to run


Client Scripts

Client scripts allow the system to run JavaScript on the client (web browser) when client-based events occur, such as when a form loads, after form submission, or when a field changes value.

Use client scripts to configure forms, form fields, and field values while the user is using the form.


Client scripts can:

§  make fields hidden or visible

§  make fields read only or writable

§  make fields optional or mandatory based on the user's role

§  set the value in one field based on the value in other fields

§  modify the options in a choice list based on a user's role

§  display messages based on a value in a field

To create a new Client script, navigate to System Definition > Client Scripts and click on New.


Different Types of Client Scripts








onload() client script area will get executed, when the form is loaded and before the user have entered any input or data in the form. For e.g. You click on create new incident link and incident form gets loaded In front of you, which contains some pre-populated values in fields like requester name, short description, requester email id etc.

            let say if you want to display pop up message with some information to user when the form loads then you can write code over onload() client script area.

            let's say you want logged in user name is requester field when the form gets load, then you can write code in onload client script area and there are lots of other examples as well.




onChange() client script will get executed when user change any value in an existing form.

·       Let’s take an example of incident form, when user change the requester name from the requester field then some existing field in the form become mandatory.

·       Let's take another example when user fill the assignment group then assigned to field become mandatory.

·       Let's take one more example, when user select the state as pending then one more field appears i.e. sub status.




onSubmit() client script will get executed when use submits the form. The code written in this area is basically use to validate the form. For e.g.

            Let’ take an example of incident form, let’s say you are creating a new incident record but you have not filled the mandatory details and you click on submit button.

            Let’ take an another example, in start date and end data where you have to give the future dates, but you have given past dates on those field and click on submit button.




onCellEdit() client script will get executed when user change any value in the list view. Now you are wondering what is the list view right.

For that navigate to Incident Management and click on All link or open link or closed link. After click mentioned link you will find list view. So when user change any value or want to change any value directly from there, then the code written in onCellEdit() client script will get executed.


What is a client script?

Ans: Client script sits on the client-side(the browser) and run there only.types of client script are OnLoad() OnSubmit() OnChange() OncellEdit)


How can you cancel a form submission through client script?

Ans: In the onSubmit function return false. function onSubmit() { return false;}          


What is a business rule?

Ans: A business rule is server-side scripting that executes whenever a record is inserted, updated, deleted, displayed, or queried.

The When field is a select box that contains 4 different options: Before, After, Async, and Display.

we cannot call business rule through client script. You can only get the scratchpad value through display business rule. If you want to call server side script through client side you need to write script include and then call it through GlideAjax.

 the ASYNC (Queued) business rules are similar to after business rules, but ASYNC rules run in the background, allowing the user to carry out without having to wait for the business rule to complete (after rules are executed synchronously, so the user has to wait for the business rule to complete before gets the control back).

Current.update() used on before or after business rule?

Avoid using current.update() in a business rule script. The update()

method triggers business rules to run on the same table for insert

and update operations, leading to a business rule calling itself over

and over. Changes made in before business rules are automatically

saved when all before business rules are complete, and after

business rules are best used for updating related, not current,

objects. When a recursive business rule is detected, the system

stops it and logs the error in the system log.

However,current.update() causes system performance issues

and is never necessary.

You can prevent recursive business rules by using the setWorkflow() method with the false parameter. The combination of the update() and setWorkflow() methods is only recommended in special circumstances where the normal before and after guidelines mentioned above do not meet your requirements.

Can we use GlideAjax in business rule?

We can call script include from client script using Glideajax. Calling a script include from the business rule or from any server-side scripting it is very easy and straightforward syntax is there for that.


Script Includes Script Includes are reusable server-side script logic that define a function or class. Script Includes execute when called by a server script.

 There are different types of Script Includes:


On demand/classless

Extend an existing class

Define a new class


Can you call a business rule through a client script?

Ans: Yes you can call a business rule through a client script by using glideajax

Can we use g_scratchpad in after business rule?

The g_scratchpad is an empty object you can use to push information (properties, objects, functions, etc.) from the server to the client. It is only available in display business rules and client scripts.

Can we use g_scratchpad in Onchange client script?

You can use g_scratchpad directly because it is globally available

 g_scratchpad :

This JavaScript object is what allows us to pass that precious data into a client script. By setting properties on g_scratchpad from a Display Business Rule, we can then access the same object and properties from the browser.

What is a glide record?

Ans: Gliderecord is a java class that is used for database operations instead of writing SQL Queries.

What do you mean by data lookup and record matching?

Ans: Data lookup and record matching feature helps to set a field value based on some conditions instead of writing scripts. For example: on Incident forms, the priority lookup rules sample data automatically sets the incident Priority based on the incident Impact and Urgency values. Data lookup rules allow specifying the conditions and fields where they want data lookups to occur.

What is an updated set?

Ans: An updated set is a group of customizations. It captures the customization or configuration changes made by a user and then these update sets can be moved from one instance to another.

An Update Set is a group of configuration changes or customizations that can be used to track all individual developer changes and moving changes from one instance to another. This feature will allow administrators to group a series of changes into a particular set and then move them as a unit to other systems for Testing or Deployment purpose.

Update sets will track all our developer changes to applications and system platform features. This allows developers to create new functionality on a non-production instance and moving thechanges to another instance. Note: An update set is an XML file that contains: 1. Each set of record details that should be uniquely identify the update set. 2. Group of customization or Configuration changes in our instance. 3. A state that can be defining whether another instance can retrieve and apply configuration changes.

 Why use update sets The sys_id, the unique identifier that marks every Service Now record would be different. This can cause issues in certain scripting and configuration situations. You may think you created that customization exactly the same as in development, but may have missed a few steps in Test or Production. You tested your customizations in development and they worked. Now in production they work differently. Trying to diagnose what is different can be pain-staking. If you would have used update sets to begin with, this issue would not have occurred.

For example, if we made some configuration changes in our development environment and want some changes in our test environment then we can capture all the changes in an updated set and can move this update set to the test environment instead of doing changes manually in a test environment.

25. What is a sys_id?

Ans: A unique 32-character GUID that identifies each record created in each table in ServiceNow

What is LDAP Integration and its use?

Ans: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is used for user data population and User authentication. Servicenow integrates with LDAP directory to streamline the user login process and to automate the creation of user and assigning them roles

How to set a field unique on the table?

Ans: Go to that respective field dictionary and set the unique check box to true.

What is the data dictionary?

Ans: The data dictionary defines every table and field in the system. It contains information about a field’s data type, default value, dependency, and other attributes.

What happens when a user makes some changes to the homepage?

Ans: When a user makes some changes on the homepage then that page is saved as his personalized homepage instead of updation on the actual homepage. For example, the home page name is Incident overview. When a user makes some changes to it then this page is saved as My incident overview and is only visible to that user.

What role you are required to create/update ACL?

Ans: security_admin

How you can check which ServiceNow instance node you are working on?

Ans: Goto SystemDiagnostic -> Stats. The statistic page will be open where you can get the details of the node and the instance on which you are working on

How to enable or disable the pie chart labels

Ans: To enable or disable the labels in the pie chart we need to set the property glide.ui.chart.pie.labels to true or false.

What is an installation exit?

Ans: Installation exits are customizations that exit from Java to call a script before returning back to Java. Navigate to System Definition > Installation Exits. Some installation exit names (Login, Logout, ValidatePassword, ExternalAuthentication) are reserved and cannot be changed. Other installation exits can override these with a custom script that replaces the script in the default installation exit.

What is an import set?

Ans: Import Sets is a tool used to import data from various data sources and, then using transform map, a map that data into ServiceNow tables. The Import Sets table acts as a staging table for records imported.

What is a transform Map?

Ans: A transform map transforms the record imported into the ServiceNow import set table to the target table. It also determines the relationships between fields displaying in an Import Set table and fields in the target table

What do you mean by Foreign record insert?

Ans: A foreign record insert occurs when an import makes a change to a table that is not the target table for that import. This happens when updating a reference field on a table.

Which searching technique is used to search a text or record in ServiceNow?

Ans: Zing is the text indexing and search engine that performs all text searches in ServiceNow.

What does the Client Transaction Timings plugin do?

Ans: The Client Transaction Timings plugin enhances the system logs by providing more information on the duration of transactions between the client and the server. By providing information on how time was spent during the transaction, performance issues can be tracked down to the source by seeing where the time is being consumed.

What is an inactivity monitor?

Ans: An inactivity monitor triggers an event for a task record if the task has been inactive for a certain period of time. If the task remains inactive, the monitor repeats at regular intervals.

What is domain separation?

Ans: Domain separation is a way to separate data into (and optionally to separate administration by) logically-defined domains. For example, A client XYZ have two business and they are using ServiceNow single instance for both businesses. They do not want that user’s from one business can see the data from other businesses. Here we can configure domain separation to isolate the records from both businesses.

How you can remove the Remember me check box from the login page?

Ans: You can set the property – “glide.ui.forgetme” to true to remove the Remember me check box from the login page.

What is HTML Sanitizer?

Ans: The HTML sanitizer automatically cleans up HTML markup in HTML fields to remove unwanted code and protect against security concerns such as cross-site scripting attacks. The HTML sanitizer is active for all instances starting with the Eureka release.

Which table is used in ServiceNow to audit changes to records?

Ans: ServiceNow uses the Sys Audit [sys_audit] table to audit changes to records.

What is the Schema map?

Ans: The schema map displays the details of tables and their relationships in a visual manner, allowing administrators to view and easily access different parts of the database schema.

What is a dashboard?

Ans: The dashboard is a visual collection of reports and paralytics presented as KPI scorecards and indicator summary tab.

Dashboards enable you to display multiple Performance Analytics, reporting, and other widgets on a single screen. Use dashboards to create a story with data that can be shared with   multiple users.

Diff between Dashboard and Homepage is that

1.     UI difference 

2.     Dashboard has extra feature called adding tabs.

What is the scorecard?

Ans: A scorecard can be used to measure the performance of an employee or a business process. It is a graphical representation of progress over time. A scorecard belongs to an indicator. The first step is to define the indicators that you want to measure. Scorecards can be enhanced by adding targets, breakdowns (scores per group), aggregates (counts, sums, and maximums), and time series (totals and averages).

What do you mean by indicators in performance analytics in ServiceNow?

Ans: Indicators, also known as metrics, business metrics, or KPIs, are statistics that businesses track to measure current conditions and to forecast business trends.

How to set the default value of a date field to the current date-time value?

Ans: Goto the dictionary of the respective date-time field and set the default value as javascript: DateTime;

What is client transaction timing?

Ans: Client transaction timing provides more information on the duration of transactions between the client and the server. This requires activating the plugin – “Client transaction timing plugin”.

What is the set workflow(e) function does?

Ans: set workflow(e) enables or disables the running of business rules that might normally be triggered by subsequent actions. If the e parameter is set to false, an insert/update will not be audited. Auditing only happens when the parameter is set to true for a GlideRecord operation.
e – A boolean variable that if true (default) enables business rules, and if false to disables them.

ServiceNow Interview Questions and Answers for Admin

What the setForceUpdate() function does?

Ans: setForceUpdate() updates the record even if there are no changes on the record.

What is the significance of the set limit(n) function?

Ans: set limit(n) functions to limit the number of records to query by Gliderecord().

Can you update a record without updating its system fields(like sys_updated_by, sys_updated_on)?

Ans: Yes, you can do it by using a function autoSysFields() in your server-side scripting. Whenever you are updating a record set the autoSysFields() to false.

var gr = new GlideRecord(‘incident’);




short_description = “Test from Examsmyntra” ;



How to get the row count in a glide record?

Ans: By using the getRowCount() function you can retrieve the number of rows.

What is the difference between deleteMultiple() and deleteRecord()?

Ans: delete multiple() deletes multiple records according to the current “where” clause. Do not delete attachments, whereas delete record() deletes the single record.

How to restrict users to upload an attachment in ServiceNow?

Ans:Following is the stepwise step process:
Navigate to System Properties > Security.
In the Attachment limits and behavior section, locate the List of roles (comma-separated) that can create attachments: property (glide.attachment.role).
Enter one or more roles separated by commas.
Only roles listed in this property are able to upload attachments to a record. If no roles are entered, then all roles can upload attachments to ServiceNow forms.
Click Save.

How to disable attachments on a specific ServiceNow table?

Ans: Go to the dictionary of that table and add “Add no_attachment” to the Attributes field.

How do make add attachment mandatory in ServiceNow?

(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) {


    var gr = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment");

    gr.addQuery("table_sys_id", current.sys_id);



        gs.addErrorMessage("Please add attachement");




})(current, previous);




Condition   :  !current.hasAttachements()


(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) {


    gs.addErrorMessage("Attachement not Found");




})(current, previous);

What is the significance of the cascade variable checkbox in the order guide?

Ans: Checkbox to select whether the variables used should cascade, which passes their values to the ordered items. If this checkbox is cleared, variable information entered in the order guide is not passed on to ordered items.

What are Gauges?

Ans: A gauge can be based on a report and can be put on a homepage or a content page.

What do you mean by Metrics in ServiceNow?

Ans: Metrics record and measure the workflow of individual records. With metrics, customers can arm their process by providing tangible figures to measure, for example, how long it takes before a ticket is reassigned or changes state.

How many types of searches are available in ServiceNow?

Ans: Use any of the following searches to find information in ServiceNow:

Lists: find records in a list:

  • Global text search: find records in multiple tables from a single search field.
  • Knowledge base: find knowledge articles.
  • Navigation filter: filter the items in the application navigator.
  • Search screens use a form­like interface to search for records in a table. Administrators can create these custom modules.

Which roles are used by Knowledge management?

Ans: Knowledge management uses these roles knowledge, knowledge_admin, and admin role.

How to create your own report?

Ans: Reports are a way to summarize and analyse data stored in table. They allow users to extract meaningful insights from the data by presenting it in a visual and structured format.

Reports can be created by users to provide insights into business

processes trac performance, identify trends and support data-driven

decision-making. They can be accessed from various locations in the service now platform including dashboards, homepages, and list views and can be exported in a variety of formats such as CV, Excel, PDF and HTML

Navigate to Reports > Create New. In releases prior to Eureka, navigate to Reports > View / Run and then click New.

How to activate the reporting engine?

Ans: Make the glide. report.use_charting_v2 system property to true.

Name a few types of reports that you can generate?

Ans: Few reports are:

  • List
  • Bar
  • Pivot
  • Pie
  • Calendar

How to control the script conditions of Access Control Rules apply to a table’s reference fields?

Ans: You can Add glide.sys_reference_row_check to the System properties and set it to true.

How to create an Inbound Email Action?

Ans: Navigate to System Policy > Email > Inbound Actions and Click New.

How does ServiceNow recognize Inbound Emails?

Ans: Via Watermark or In­Reply­To email header. If These are not present, ServiceNow recognizes an email containing a prefix in the subject line.

How to enable automatic user creation from email?

Ans: Set the property glide.pop3readerjob.create_caller to true in system properties.

How do allow locked-out users to trigger inbound email actions?

Ans: By adding the system property glide.pop3.process_locked_out to true.

Refer for more information :

Which role is required to create and access the baseline?

Ans: role is required to create and access baselines. To achieve this what all configuration and customizations are required.

How to change the recipient limit in the email notifications?

Ans: By setting the system property

What is the difference between ${URI} and ${URI_REF}?

Ans: ${URI} shows the word LINK whereas ${URI_REF} shows the display value of the record as the link text.

How to hide watermark globally?

Ans: Create a new property named and set it to false.

ServiceNow Interview Questions and Answers for Technical

What is a BSM Map?

Ans: BSM Map is a Business Service Management map. It graphically displays the configuration items (CI) that support a business service and indicates the status of those configuration items.

In which table update sets and customization are stored?

Ans: Each update set is stored in the Update Set [sys_update_set] table, and the customizations that are associated with the update set, are stored in [sys_update_xml] table.

What happens if a Default update set is marked as complete?

Ans: If the Default update set is marked Complete, the system creates another update set named Default1 and uses it as the default update set.

Are Does Homepages and Content pages added to the update sets?

Ans: Homepages and content pages are not added to update sets by default. You must manually add pages to the current update set by unloading them.

What is a Reference qualifier?

Ans: Reference qualifiers are used to restrict the data that is selectable for a reference field.

What is Performance Analytics in ServiceNow?

Ans: Performance Analytics is an additional application in ServiceNow that allows customers to take a snapshot of data at regular intervals and create time series for any key performance indicator (KPI) in the organization.

How to disable client transactions?

Ans: Set the glide.client.track_transaction_timingsproperty to false to disable any client transaction.
Refer for more:

How to change the Homepage layout?

Ans: Administrators can create or modify layouts by navigating to Homepage Admin > Layouts.

How to change the banner and list caption background color?

Ans: You can change the banner and list caption background color by navigating to
System Properties > CSS.

How to create a new role?

Ans: Navigate to User Administration > Role and click New.

Can I have more than one function listening to the same thing?

Ans: You can, but there is no guarantee of sequencing. You cannot predict what order your event handlers will run.

Which method is used to get all the active/inactive records from a table?

Ans: You can use the addActiveQuery() method to get all the active records and the addInactiveQuery() to get all inactive records.

How do you get the result set from two tables in the glide script?


addJoinQuery(joinTable, [primaryField], [joinTableField])

Note: This is not a true DATABASE Join. addJoinQuery() adds a subQuery.

Which object is used to reference the currently active form in the client script?

Ans: g_form object is used to reference the currently active form in the client script

93. Which object is used to refer to the currently logged-in user in the client script?

Ans: You can use the object g_user object to get the details of the currently active user.

94. State the best practices of client scripts?

Ans: Few of the best practices to use client Scripts :

  • Enclose Code in Functions.
  • Avoid DOM manipulation, use g_form object.
  • Avoid global client scripting, etc.

95. How will you hide/show a field using client script?

Ans: You can use the g_form.setVisible(‘field name’, ‘value’); method to show/hide a field using client script.

96. What is the processing order for Record ACL rules?

Ans: Record ACL rules are processed in the following order:

  • Match the object against field ACL rules.
  • Match the object against table ACL rules.
  • User must pass both field and table ACL rules in order to access a record object Relationship.

97. How do you get the records of specified fields which are not null?

Ans: addNotNullQuery(String fieldName) can be used.
Example: To get all the records where ‘name’ is not null.


98. How will you get all the records where the incident is having a category as hardware or software?

Ans: Use addOrCondition(String name, String oper, Object value) .
Example :

var gr = new GlideRecord(‘incident’);

var qc = gr.addQuery(‘category’, ‘hardware’);

qc.addOrCondition(‘category’, ‘software’);


99. How to set the invalid queries into empty result sets?

Ans: By default queries with the invalid field, names run but ignore the invalid condition. For more strict query control you can enable the glide.invalid_query.returns_no_rows property which will result in an empty result set for invalid queries.

100. How to determine whether any of the field values in a record has changed?

Ans: By using the method changes() you can determine that the field value has been changed for a record.

101. What is the difference between next() and _next() method?

Ans: The next() method is responsible to move to the next record in GlideRecord. _next() provides the same functionality as next(), intended to be used in cases when we query the table having a column name as next.

102. Which glide function is used to retrieve the number of rows of a table?

Ans: Using getRowCount() method .
For more information, visit

Is ServiceNow an ERP?

ServiceNow manages IT operations that integrate with other departments and automates various tasks. ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, which means creating workflow and processing information simultaneously, managing employees and assigned tasks, and providing customer support. ServiceNow does all that an ERP tool should do. And that’s why some enterprises consider ServiceNow one of the market’s top ERP tools.

  Detail about client script.

Client script runs on client side and also sits on the browser. The types of client scripts are OnLoad(), OnChange(), OnSubmit() and OncellEdit(). 

Define record producer.

A record producer is a catalog item that lets users create task-based records from the Service Catalog. It provides an alternate way for creating records through Service Catalog. 

Name the searching technique used to search a record or text in ServiceNow.

In ServiceNow, Zing is the searching technique that performs all text searches.

What do you understand by HTML Sanitizer?

The HTML Sanitizer is used to automatically clean up HTML markup in HTML fields. It protects against security concerns and removes unwanted code. It is active for all instances beginning with the Eureka release.  

Explain BSM Map.

BSM or Business Service Management map graphically displays configuration items. These items indicate the status of Configuration items and support a business service. 

Define performance analytics.

In ServiceNow, performance analytics is an additional application that allows customers to create time series for any KPI and take a snapshot of data at regular intervals. 

What is the use of a reference qualifier?

It is used to restrict the data that can be selected for a reference field. 

Differentiate between _next() and next() method.

next() method moves the record to the next in GlideRecord. _next() has the same functionality as next(), but it is used in cases when a tale having column name ‘next’ is queried. 

What is an ‘application’ in ServiceNow?

It is a group of modules that give related information. A change application consists of modules such as create or view change tickets. 

Who can create or update ACL?

security_admin creates or updates ACL. 

What is meant by domain separation?

It is a way to separate data into logically defined domains. It is used to isolate the records of one business from the other. 

What is the function of the set workflow(e)?

Set workflow (e) disables or enables running business rules that are usually triggered by subsequent actions. An insert/update will not be audited if the ‘e’ parameter is set to false. When the ‘e’ parameter is set to true, business rules are enabled.

What are ServiceNow Metrics?

ServiceNow metrics measure and record the workflow of individual records. Metrics allow customers to arm their processes by providing tangible features. 

How locked out users trigger inbound email actions?

Add the system property glide.pop3.process_locked_out and set it to true. 

How do we get all the active and inactive records from a table?

Use the addActiveQuery() method for active records and addInactiveQuery() for getting inactive records. 

Determine if any of the field values in a record has changed.

Use the changes() method to determine if the field value has been changed. 

How can an application be enabled or disabled?

Under the system definition application, go to the ‘Application Menus’ module. Open the respective application and set active as accurate to enable or false to disable it. 

What is dictionary override in ServiceNow?

Using dictionary override, you can override several field properties in an extended table. For instance, when you extend a changing table from the task table and the status field is read-only, you can use dictionary override to change this to non-read only.

Can client script be used to call a business rule?

A business rule can be called through client script by the use of glideajax. 

What do you understand by Gauges?

Gauges are based on a report and can be put on a content page or a homepage.

Are content pages and homepages added to the update sets?

By default, update sets do not include content pages and homepages. The pages must be manually added to the current update set by unloading. 

Define CMDB.

CMDB or Configuration management database is a repository that acts as a data warehouse for IT installations. It includes data related to a set of IT assets and also descriptive relations among such assets. 

What are UI policies in ServiceNow?

UI policies serve as an alternative for client scripts, and when you use UI policies, it allows you to change a field dynamically on a form.

What is an inactivity monitor?

An inactivity monitor triggers an event for a task record inactive for a specific time. The monitor repeats at regular intervals if the task continues to be inactive. 

What are glide records?

Gliderecord is a java class utilized for database operations instead of writing SQL queries. 

What do you understand by a ‘view’?

The view is used to define the arrangement of fields on a list or a form. We can define multiple views for one single form according to the user requirement. 

What is the data policy?

A data policy helps you with the enforcement consistency across data by setting mandatory states and read-only. Much like UI policies, the only difference between the two is that UI policies are applicable only to the data on forms you receive from standard browsers.

What is an Import Set?

It is a tool that imports data from various data sources, and that data is mapped into ServiceNow tables using a transform map. 

What is the use of the client transaction timings plugin?

The client transaction timings plugin is used to enhance the system logs by providing more information on transaction duration between the server and the client. This allows tracking down issues. 

Tell us the significance of the cascade variable check box in the order guide.

Cascade Variable Check Box passes their value to the ordered items. If it is cleared, the variable information entered is not passed on to ordered items. 

How to reference the currently active form in the client script?

To reference the currently active form, the g_from object is used. 

How is automatic user creation from email enabled?

For this, glide.pop3readerjob.create_caller property needs to be set true in system properties. 

How can you create your report?

A report can be created by navigating to reports and then click on ‘Create New.’ 

How can an attachment on a specific ServiceNow table be disabled?

 Add ‘Add no_attachment’ to the attributes field in the dictionary of that table. 

While using Servicenow, which practices should be followed?

Some of the practices are:

·        Replace email and spreadsheets with collaborative workspaces

·        Automate every organization’s business process

·        Aim to structure, automate and enhance the workflow 

·        Develop a modern work environment

What are the search options in ServiceNow?

The search options are:

·        Knowledgebase: helps to find knowledge articles

·        Lists: used to find records in a list

·        Search scenes: custom module created by administrators

·        Navigation filter: filters the items in the application navigator

·        Global Text Search: helps record in multiple task tables 

Tell the sequence of publishing a knowledge article.

Draft -> Review -> Publish

How can you delete tables in ServiceNow?

Go to ‘Tables and Columns,’ choose ‘delete’ and type the word ‘delete.’

What is ACL?

ACL or Access Control List is a rule that matches the object and permissions required to access the object. 

What is an update set?

An update set is a group of customizations that can be moved from instance to instance. 

List workflow activities.

The workflow activities include conditions, approvals, tasks, timers, utilities, and notifications. 

What happens when a request is rejected?

If a request is rejected, notification is sent, and status is set to cancel. The service catalog workflow can be attached either manually, automatically based on conditions, or if no other workflows are attached. 

Which is the parent table for the change, incident, and problem?

The task table is the parent table.

What do you understand by sys_id?

sys_id is a unique 32 character GUID used to identify each record created in each Servicenow’s table.

How can pie chart labels be enabled and disabled?

Set the property glide.ui.chart.pie.tables to true and false, respectively. 

What do you understand by Foreign record insert?

When an import changes to a table that is not the target table for that import, a foreign record insert occurs. 

What is a ServiceNow dashboard?

The dashboard is a visual collection of paralytics and reports presented as indicator summary tab and KPI scoreboards.

What is meant by Coalesce in ServiceNow?

Coalesce is a field property useful in transform map field mapping. When you use it on a specific field, the field can be used as a unique key. When a match is found with the coalesce field, it results in the update of the existing record with the imported information. However, when you are unable to find a match, it results in the insertion of a new record into the database.

Next UI  experience :


glide.ui.polaris.experience  --- set as false / true

HR Interview Questions

Why did you decide to apply for this role?

The recruiter intends to assess how motivated the candidate is to get hired for the job role and how interested they are. This helps the recruiter determine if applying for the job was their conscious decision.

What experience do you have that would be relevant to this role?

Answering this question properly, in a systematic manner can help you establish that you understand the job role and its requirements and that your previous job experience is aligned with the job role to a great extent. This helps the recruiter determine if you think you can do the job.

What do you know about our company’s services?

Such questions are aimed at finding out how well the candidate has researched the company and gone into detail about its different aspects. To answer this question well, the candidate should have an in-depth knowledge of the company, and this is easily possible by running an online search and going through the company’s website.

Q : Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from within ?

Answer: You are not only hiring employee from outside, you are hiring new ideas, new talent, innovation.


Q : Why did you resign from previous job?

I would like to say thankful to my previous company, where I learned more professional skills such as team work, time management, work under pressure. Now this is the right time to upgrade my life to new challenging environment to grow professionally and financially.

-------- or --------------

1. Lack of Advancement Opportunities

“I was eager to advance in my career and independently lead more projects. But with such a small and tight-knit team, the management style wasn’t necessarily set up to support that level of ownership from employees.”

2. Wanting a New Challenge

“After spending five years with my last company, I’m ready to take on a new challenge and grow my skills. I’m excited to learn something new, and I know this role will allow me to use my prior expertise while also gaining new knowledge.”

3. Changing Careers

“I realized that my true passion is working as a writer. I’ve always loved the written word but decided to take my career in a different direction after college. Now, I’m ready to pursue a writing career, and I’m particularly excited by the possibility of working with [Company X].”

4. Fired

“Unfortunately, I was let go from my previous position. I think, ultimately, the job wasn’t a good fit, and I wasn’t able to learn the right skills to do the job to the best of my ability. My boss and I agreed that it was time to move on. I’m looking forward to using my best skills in my next role.”

5. Laid Off

“In my last role, the company suffered some financial hardships and had to eliminate my job, along with many others. I’m grateful for my time in that role, as it gave me the opportunity to increase my knowledge while forging some lifelong bonds with my colleagues.”

6. Family Responsibilities

“I decided to take time to start a family. I’m now ready and excited to jump back into the workforce and utilize my professional expertise and skill set.”

“Leaving my last job was an intentional decision to pause my career and focus on full-time caregiving for a family member in need. Personally, it was the right thing to do and was also a very fulfilling and eye-opening experience. During my time away from full-time work, I kept well-informed of the changes and evolution in this industry. Before diving into my job search, I proactively refreshed my skills in several areas, including [X, Y, and Z]. And now I’m excited and energized to return to work.”


Q : What changes would you make if you come on board ?

Answer: I will adopt new environment new management and achieve new targets in limited time then apply changes where needed to achieve company goals.

Answer: “If I came on board, I would like to propose implementing a mentorship program for junior team members. By providing more experienced employees with the opportunity to mentor and guide newer team members, we can foster a culture of growth and development and help our team members succeed.

Answer: “One change I would like to suggest is implementing a more comprehensive performance review process. By regularly reviewing and evaluating employee performance, we can identify areas for improvement and provide more targeted support and development opportunities.

Answer: “I would like to propose expanding our outreach and community involvement efforts. By building stronger relationships with the communities we serve, we can not only give back, but we can also improve our reputation and potentially generate new business.


Q : Why have you had so many jobs?

Answer: I want to improve my knowledge as well as skills. I can not see many jobs it’s a steps to improve my knowledge.


Q : Could you have done better in your last job?

Answer: Yes, I used to complete the task within the time given to me and tried my level best to expose my talent and creativity as well.


Q : What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced ?

Answer:  In service, it was the man power planning

For unit, in domestic life the marriage of my children I have faced many challenges in life but I didn’t focus on them I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.


Q : Tell me about the situation when your work was criticized?

Answer: Firstly, I will find out where I am making mistake then I will improve myself prove them by my work no by tongue.


Q : Have you been absent from work more than few days in previous job ?

Answer: Yes, I will take a leave according to the situation demands me

Answer: Yes, I taken leaves with proper reason and I taken permission from my superior.

Q : How do you feel about reporting to younger ?


·       Reporting to younger person doesn’t matter for me because he has talent and age doesn’t matter. At the last I’m not reporting to person, I’m reporting to position.

·       It is the matter of position not age


Q : Why you are not earning more money at this stage of your career?

Answer: Money is doesn’t matter while knowledge is very important for our life when we have the knowledge then money comes automatically.


Q : Looking back on your last position have you done your best work ?


·       Today’s destiny is decided by past performance I’m always trying to do my best to achieve good position

·       Today’s my position is example of my past performance and I believe that hard work is the only one way to success


Q : Why did you decide to apply for this role?

Answer: The recruiter intends to assess how motivated the candidate is to get hired for the job role and how interested they are. This helps the recruiter determine if applying for the job was their conscious decision.

Q : What experience do you have that would be relevant to this role?

Answer: Answering this question properly, in a systematic manner can help you establish that you understand the job role and its requirements and that your previous job experience is aligned with the job role to a great extent. This helps the recruiter determine if you think you can do the job.

Q : What do you know about our company’s services?

Answer: Such questions are aimed at finding out how well the candidate has researched the company and gone into detail about its different aspects. To answer this question well, the candidate should have an in-depth knowledge of the company, and this is easily possible by running an online search and going through the company’s website.

Q : How many hours a week do you normally work ?

Answer: How many work hours are complete doesn’t matter I can finish my work that’s it.


What will happen if I make a client script 'global’?

If you make a client script global it will be only able to operate on an application in the global scope. If you're working in a scoped app you will need to set it the application of your client script to the name of your scoped application.

What is a Servicenow knowledge base?

knowledge bases contain articles that provide users with information such as self-help, troubleshooting, and task resolution.

What is the sequencing of publishing a Knowledge Article? 

Draft → Review → Published → Retired

Where do you go in Service Now to change the banner and colors?

      System Properties > Basic Configuration UI16

What are the 3 basic components of workflow?







Sub flows

What is the notification flow and how can a notification be sent out?

Can be triggered by:

CRUD operations on tables (Business Rules)

Workflow activities

Scripts (Scheduled Jobs, Web Services, etc.)

Must be registered

Event components:


Event action (Script Action, Notification)

Event log

What do you understand by star (*) and none condition in ACL?

If you define a READ ACL with:

•Table.None for Admin & ITIL

Result: Both Admin and ITIL will be able to view all records because they have read access to all records with no field restrictions.

 If you define a READ ACL with:

•Table.None for Admin & ITIL & Table.* for Admin

Result: Only Admin will have read access because the Table.* is an explicit rule at the field level that grants only Admin read access to all fields.

If you define a READ ACL with:

•Table.None for Admin & Table.* for ITIL

Result: ITIL will not be able to view any records because they only have read access at the field level and not at the Record/Row level. If you define a READ ACL with:

What is an event queue? From where can it be called? 

Can be triggered by:

CRUD operations on tables (Business Rules)

Workflow activities

Scripts (Scheduled Jobs, Web Services, etc.)

Must be registered

Event components:


Event action (Script Action, Notification)

Event log

eventQueue(‘’, current, parm1, parm2)

Difference between Response and Resolution SLA?

Whenever incident got created and assigned to some group. Then in how much time that incident got assigned to some person withing the group is Response time for the incident.

Resolution time is how much time it took to give solution for the incident from the creation time to resolved time.

What is retroactive in SLA?

When a task record changes, typically a new SLA may be attached, with a new set of timing information. This is useful if you are re-assigning an incident to another group and want to attach a new SLA record with new timing information.

However, you may want to retain time information for the task in specific situations. For example, an incident is raised with a priority of 3 - Moderate and the priority changes to 1 - Critical after 3 hours. A priority 1 SLA is attached to the incident at that time. You can use retroactive start to ensure this SLA timing is adjusted retroactively to count from when the incident was first created, rather than from when the incident's priority changed. This reflects the actual time the user contacted you. You can use the retroactive pause property to apply pause times to the new SLA.

 What is domain separation?

Domain Separation is designed to control what fulfillers can see and do. ServiceNow applications have been typically designed so that a fulfiller has access to all the tasks in a particular application and the application works consistently for each person. Domain separation tags configuration and data so that the platform can choose what is relevant for a particular user at the appropriate time.

Domain Separation helps achieve three specific goals:

Process separation: In process separation, configuration such as Business Rules or Client Scripts are selectively applied. A customer of an MSP may have different assignment rules to another.

UI separation: In UI separation, different domains may have different forms and related lists, as well as different options in choice lists. The latter ability is very handy to have different categorization options per MSP customer.

Process and UI separation are both considered as configuration. When I refer to configuration separation, I'm referring to both process and UI separation.

Data separation: In data separation, records such as other users, tasks, or locations are only available to the right people. This means that a user that works for an MSP's customer, perhaps even one with fulfiller rights such as the itil role, would only see records for their company.

What among the following are domain independent – client script, business rule, schedule job, script include)?

     Script include

 In workflow what is the difference between a timer and a wait for condition?

Wait for condition will hold the flow until a field changes to a desired value. This is very useful in a branched workflow, perhaps to detect a canceled state.

Wait for Condition will only check its condition after the record is updated in the database. Unless the record is saved, changing a field on a form will not trigger anything. Note that the workflow is only evaluated when the record itself is updated; you may need to write script to broadcast the update event if you want the workflow to move on from other situations.

Another way to hold up a workflow is through a Timer. It is very flexible, offering percentages, scripts, schedules, and time zones to work out how long it should wait. This activity is not dependent on the record being updated.

What is difference between Order guide and Record Producer? 

An Order Guide is a mechanism to order multiple catalog request items. By answering some initial questions, the order guide can bundle together several catalog request items and put them all in the cart.

A Record Producer creates a record in a table of your choice. It provides an alternative friendly interface, which means that end users do not need to see the standard form. Record Producers could create reservations, guests, maintenance tasks, or any other record, which in ServiceNow means anything!

What is watermark in notifications?

By default, the system generates a watermark label at the bottom of each notification email to allow matching incoming email to existing records. Each watermark includes a random 20-character string that makes it unique.

Using the Domain separation feature in ServiceNow you can separate data, administrative tasks, and processes into logical units.

Domain separation is best suitable for the below cases:

  • To enforce data separation between two different businesses on a single ServiceNow instance. 
  • To delegate administration
  • To manage a global reporting and global process on a single instance. 
  • To separate data between various departments
  • To create a process difference among customers.


Using business rules in ServiceNow you can perform the following actions:

  • Change values automatically in form fields
  • Create events for email notifications 
  • Script actions.  


How many modules you have worked on?

  1. Process flow of incident problem change management and there states. Explanation of each state. What field will be mandatory after saving a change form? Types of change management, what is standard change?
  2. Difference between additional comments and work notes.
  3. Difference between ui policy and data policy, can we convert data policy into ui policy and vice versa.
  4. Script Include. How to call in client script, business rule, reference qualifier.
  5. types of reference qualifier and difference between them.
  6. What is mean by dictionary override?
  7. Workflow activities. Turnstile activity, I want to pass values from one workflow to another. What is subflow activity.
  8. scenario- if I create a custom table then I want to hide some system created fields(updated, updated by, created etc.), when I create new table the I want to see only 3 fields, how can you achieve this?
  9. Client script. Types, objects of each type.
  10. Business rule. Difference between Glide system and glide record.
  11. What are the methods of gs and gr and wht are you used?
  12. Difference between async and after br. Query br, display bs scenario.
  13. what is  CMDB? What is the difference between cmdb and asset. What is cmdb baseline.
  14. how many ways we can send notifications? What is the email script? How we can call the event queue method? We can call it in client script?
  15. What is SLA? Retroactive start? Types of SLA. What is business elapse time? What is responce and resolution?
  16. How we create a report? How to send it to the dashboard?

16.what is ACL? Types. What is * and none?


 1. Notifcations,

a) How can you send notification using UI action?

b) How to send notification through workflow?

c) How to configure inbound/outbound email notification?

d) What are the ways to send a notification?

e) Notification activity in workflow and its use case?

f) Scenarios where you have configured notification?

2. ACL

a) How ACL works?

b) I have BR, ACL, CS, and UI policy what will be their order of execution?

c) Difference between * and none in ACL?

d)  If I write ACL for number field as read-only at the same time if write UI policy as not read-only means editable what will happen?

e) What is the difference between Table.none and Table.* ACL?

f) When ACL is applied over the update and delete actions, then which one gets executed first?

g) What are types of ACL? 

3. Workflows

a) What are Workflow activities and explain each with its use?

b) Using workflow if I want to create 4 task which is dependent on each other how can you do that?

c) How to pass value from one activity to another activity in the workflow?

d) How to send notification through workflow?

e)  What is run script activity in the workflow?

f) Difference between Workflow and execution plan?

g) Have you used approval co-coordinator activity in the workflow? How does it work?

h) How to stop parent table workflows for specific child table?

4. Business Rules

a) What is Business rules? What are its type?

b) How to abort business rule?

c) Difference between async & after business rule?

d) What is global business rules?

e) I have one business rule I have set condition as active is true and insert the record in sys_user  table and I have set to run before business rule but I didn’t check update or insert checkbox will that business rule work?

f) If we had set the priority as 1 on client script & we have set the priority as 2 on Business Rule what value will save in the table?


5.Service Portal

a) What is portal page?

b) What is widget?

c) Tell me about AngularJs and what are some angular tags you used?

d) What are the client and server-side global objects in the portal?

e) What are some portals APIs?

f) I want to hide the menu of service portal if the user has not logged in? How to achieve this?

g) How portal client script is different from client script?

6. Service Catalog

a) What is catalog client script?

b) What is use of service catalog?

c) Difference between record producer and catalog item?

d) Difference between order guide and catalog item?

e) How to display catalog item by location?

f) How to reuse variable set in catalog item?

g) You have to Import 300 catalog item into the ServiceNow, how will you achieve?

h) For two catalog items, there should be two tasks to be generated but the scenario is second task did not generated so how how will you find the cause?

i) What activities you have done in service catalog?

j) What activities you have done in service catalog?

k) What is producer variable?


 1. Notifications: A business partner requests that you create notifications which send specific information about the request, to the requester. However, some of the requested notifications directly conflict with the OOTB (out of the box) notifications. How do you handle this situation?

2. ACL's: You've been asked to develop a way for certain tickets to be hidden from other users if they're not part of a specific assignment group. How would you approach hiding those records from the incorrect users? What would you consider "best practice" to be for this scenario?

3. Workflows: A business partner sends you a workflow for a request they would like built out. You've read through the requirements and noticed flaws in the logic, which would make the workflow overly complex/customized. What would be your next steps in resolving these workflow problems?

4. Business Rules: What are the differences between business rules that run 'before, async, after'? Provide a scenario for each instance of when a rule should run. How can order effect business rule behavior and is it important?

5. Service Portal: You're tasked with adding new categories to the Service Portal, how would you create these categories and what would be your process for grouping the correct items?

6. Service Catalog: How would you begin creating a new catalog item? Differences between a catalog item and a record producer?

The last two questions are such generic areas, it's hard to ask too many questions on the Portal/Catalog. Hopefully this helps.



  • • Difference between Client Script and Business Rule
  • • What is UI Script and give me any example where you used UI Script.
  • • D/B UI Policy and Data Policy?
  • • Difference between glide system and glide record.
  • • What is better alternative to using global business rule.
  • • Can a schedule job invoke an inactive business rule.
  • • Can we call a business rule from a client script
  • • What the setForceUpdate() function does?
  • • What is the significance of setLimit(n) function?
  • • Can you update a record without updating its system fields(like sys_updated_by, sys_updated_on)
  • • What is g_scratchpad and where we can use.
  • • In a UI policy, can we add gs.addinfomessage.
  • • Current.update() used on before or after business rule.
  • • What is ran on the client side and what is ran on the server side?
  • • How can you cancel a form submission through client script?
  • • What will happen if I make a client script 'global'.
  • • What is power shell script and where we are using.

Basic Configuration

  • What is a Servicenow knowledge base?
  • What is the sequencing of publishing a Knowledge Article?
  • Where do you go in Service Now to change the banner and colors?
  • What are the 3 basic components of workflow?
  • What is BSM?
  • How do you limit file attachments?
  • What is the notification flow and how can a notification be sent out?
  • What is the latest service now user interface and when it was released?
  • What is dictionary override?
  • What do you mean by coalesce?
  • What happens when a user make some changes the homepage
  •  What is Schema map?
  •  What is a dashboard?
  •  What is dictionary override?
  •  When we publish a report, for whom is it available? Is it for everyone who has the URL.
  •  What do you understand by star (*) and none condition in ACL.
  •  What is an event queue? From where can it be called?
  •  Difference between Response and Resolution SLA.
  •  What is retroactive in SLA.
  •  How to enable multi-lingual in Service Now.
  •  What is wizard and interceptor in service now.
  •  What is generate task functionality in workflow.
  •  Give me an example where you used approval coordinator activity in workflow.
  •  What is domain separation?
  •  What among the following are domain independent – client script, business rule, schedule job, script include ?
  •  In workflow what is the difference between a timer and a wait for condition?
  •  What is difference between Order guide and Record Producer?
  •  What does the Client Transaction Timings plugin does?
  •  What is the life cycle of Release Management
  •  What is the life cycle of a CI or Asset ?
  •  What is watermark in notifications
  •  How to re-set the number counter.


  •  What is LDAP Integration and its use?
  •  Which port needs to open while doing LDAP integration.
  •  What is the purpose of using SAML 2.0 (SSO)
  •  Pre-requisite to enable SSO (SAML 2.0)
  •  What is metadata in SAML 2.0
  •  What is keystore in SAML 2.0
  •  What is 509 x certificate in SAML 2.0
  •  What is difference between LDAP via MID server or LDAP via VPN Tunnel.
  •  What is E- Bonding ?
  •  Difference between SOAP and REST, and what is the purpose of using it.
  •  Which one is better in use SOAP or REST ?
  •  Which port need to be enable while doing SOAP and REST integrations.
  •  What is data source integrations. Any idea what kind of ports need to be open while doing SFTP, FTP integration.
  • Have you worked on Email Inbound Integrations.
  •  How to check error handling while doing any integrations
  •  What kind of possibility if we get error code 401 or 404.
  •  If any transaction is successful what kind of success code we received ??
  •  Pre- requisite for enable Discovery plugin.
  •  What is props and sensors in Discovery.
  •  Difference between LDAP and LDAP's.
  •  Have you worked on SCCM integrations and what kind of data we discover from SCCM?
  •  What is transform script?
  •  What do you understand by Chasis Type in SCCM integrations?
  •  Have you worked on to install mid-server, if yes so what are all pre-requisite??
  •  What is Orchestration in service now, have you ever used and what kind of scripting language used in orchestration?
  •  What is the name of table in which we store relationship data of CI's.
  •  What is the table name which we expose as a web service to receive attachments in service now from any third part tool.
  •  What is payload in ecc queue ?


  •  What is drop zone in CMS .
  •  What is CMS and Why do use it .
  •  How we can configure multi- lingual home page in service now via CMS
  •  What is dynamic content in CMS.
  •  What is new came in CMS
  •  Have you ever used jelly in CMS.
  •  What is Service Portal?
  •  Have you worked on Angular JS?
  •  What is the benefit of using Angular JS.
  •  What is the difference between A JS and HTML?
  •  What is Page?
  •  What is Widget?
  •  What do we use in Page?
  •  What do u use in widget?
  •  What are directives?
  •  How will u call filter in AJS?
  •  What is ng-app?
  •  What is ng-init?
  •  What is ng-model?
  •  What is MVC?
  •  How will u use looop in AJS?

ITIL Knowledge

  •  If we used an external organization to help us develop part of our service, what would that be called?
  •  Can you name 3 types of SLA?
  •  Why would you use SACM?
  •  What is an OLA?
  •  What are the stages of the ITIL lifecycle(v3)?
  •  Release and Deployment Management is part of which phase?
  •  What are the parts of the Service Strategy?
  •  Change Management is part of which phase?
  •  What is the Difference between Utility and Warranty?
  •  What are different parts of service portfolio?
  •  What is the major difference between ITIL v2 and ITIL v3?


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