Salesforce Introduction Questions

What is Cloud Computing?

            Cloud computing is nothing but Internet computing. Storing and accessing the data over the Internet.

Different types of Salesforce URL's?

            Creating Developer account



What is Salesforce1?

            Salesforce1 is one of the product provides by This Salesforce1 is a mobile application for Android and IOS devices.

What is

            In developers can develop applications using apex and visual force languages

What is

            It is Social performance platform management platform which is mainly used by managers and employees to improve their work performance.

What is App Exchange?

            It is an online application marketplace like app store and Google play. In App exchange nearly 3000 applications available.

How to provide security for Meta data files (Schema)?

Using profiles and Permission sets      

How Many ways to login Salesforce?

            Through web Browser

            External API (Application programming Interface) like data loader.

            Single sign on SSO


What are Governor Limits?

            As we know all Salesforce Apex is runs at multitenant environment, so it runtime strictly enforce some limits.

What is the difference between unmanaged and managed packages ?       

Apps on App Exchange are distributed in managed and unmanaged packages.

Both packages are containers holds the code and metadata associated with apps

In the managed packages we can't able to see the code

 In unmanaged packages are as like open source, we can open and do the changes in code also

What is the important standard object available in the org for sales business?

            Campaign -> Lead -> Account -> Contact -> Opportunity -> Product


What are the important standard objects exist for support business?

            Account -> Contact -> Case -> Solution


What is recycle bin in salesforce?

The Recycle Bin contains items that were deleted. Salesforce admins can see all deleted data across the entire org. The Recycle Bin is available in the left sidebar on the Home page.


What is User in Salesforce?

  user is able to login Salesforce and we can give access based on their requirements      


Explain about security model in Salesforce?

 It has been briefly classified into two types

                        1. Org Level - Access on objects, tabs, fields, apps etc

                        2. Record level security - access that records are saved into Salesforce. visibility of data Salesforce


What is object?

Salesforce objects are database tables that permit you to store data that is specific to an organization.

 Salesforce objects are of two types:

            Standard Objects: Standard objects are the kind of objects that are provided by such as users, contracts, reports, dashboards, etc.

            Custom Objects: Custom Objects are created to store information unique to an organization. Custom objects extend the functionality that standard objects provide. Based on Requirements will create custom Objects


What are optional features?

Create, customize, edit, delete, or truncate custom objects to extend the functionality that standard objects, like accounts and contacts, provide.


What are one time object creation options in Salesforce?

 There is nothing like one time Object creation in Salesforce as you can always allowed to make changes to Meta data (Object) to add or remove based on your requirement.


How many objects we can create in the salesforce?

There is a hard limit of 3,000 total custom objects per Organization, regardless of whether they're created within the Org or installed from the AppExchange. For example, with Unlimited Edition, you could create 2,000 custom objects and install an additional 1,000 objects.      


Can we delete the standard objects?

No, It's not possible


Can we delete the Custom Objects?

Yes, we can able to delete    


What are the possibilities to customize the standard Objects?

Rename the "Label and Tab name".


Object falls under which part of MVC?

 Fields, Objects, and Relationships come under the Model section of MVC Salesforce architecture.

            The presentation of information to the user is nothing but the View. This is one user interface given to the user for interaction with the system.

            A view consists of visual Salesforce pages and components.


Can we deploy the object from Sandbox to production using change set?          

Yes We can able to deploy the object


CRED permissions on object are controller by?

 Profile and Permission set


Can we assign CRED permissions on object by using Permission set?

Yes It is Possible


What is the meaning of 'Starts with vowel sound' while creating object?

 If name start with vowel then plural label will be provided accordingly like we need to take care about s or es as per English rule.      


Which options can we customize in standard object?

Yes, we can create custom fields, validation rules, triggers etc on standard object.


How Many ways can we create Custom Object?

            1. By Using Schema Builder we can able to create, There is no option available to create tab launch wizard option.

            2. By Using SpreadSheets

            3. By Using Standard Navigation In HomePage, Object Manager

   In the Object Manager Standard Process and while clicking on drop down option we can able to create


How to recover deleted object?

To view a list of deleted custom objects:

                        Go to the object management settings for custom objects.

                        Click Deleted Objects at the bottom of the list.

            The Deleted Objects link appears only when you have at least one deleted custom object in your organization. The number in parentheses indicates the total number of deleted custom objects.

In the Deleted Objects list, you can do any of the following:

                        Click the object’s label to view details about it

                        Click Erase to permanently remove the object and its data

                        Click Undelete to restore the object and its data

                        1.GoTo setup -> Build -> Create -> Objects-> Then you can able to see the link "      Deleted Objects" this will be work in Classic View Only

                        2.Restore Deleted Objects Using Salesforce Data Loader

                        3.Restore Deleted Objects With the Salesforce Data Export Wizard

                        4.Restore Deleted Objects With Salesforce Reports

                        5.Restore Deleted Objects With Third-party Backup


How can we change  the Grant Access using Role hierarchy for Standard Object?

 Not Possible  


What is Out of Box functionality?

Standard features provided by Salesforce (no need to go for development)


What are setup objects?

Setup objects are those which interacts with meta data(Profiles, permission sets, users, roles, Page layout, Email Templates)


What are Non-setup Objects?

All other object (Standard and Custom) are non setup object.


What Is External Objects in Salesforce?

External objects are similar to custom objects, but external object record data is stored outside your Salesforce organization.


What is the Limitation External Objects in Salesforce?



What are the different data types a standard record name field can have?

standard record name field we have either data type text or auto number with a limit of 80 characters   


What is Apps in Salesforce?

Apps in Salesforce is little more than a container for all of the objects, tabs and other functionality. It is a group of tabs that works as a unit to provide application's functionality. It consists simply of a name, a logo and an ordered set of tabs.

The simplest app contains only one tab i.e., the Home Tab and a default logo.


Types of Apps in Salesforce?

 1.Custom Apps : The apps which are built to meet the specific business needs & requirements of an organization. Custom apps can be made by grouping standard as well as custom tabs. Logo in custom apps can be added and they can be changed after that also.           

2.Console Apps : Can open multiple records in separate tabs simultaneously

3.Standard Apps : Can open one record related to an object at a time. If we open another record then the current record page will disappear.


What features we can not able to changes in Standard Apps?

 The label, description and logo of a standard app can’t be changed


Can we create a console navigation app for custom object?

Yes, we can.


Setup and Personalization while creating the app?

We have two type of setup:

            One is full setup and another is service setup.

            So for new app which setup you want to create by default that we can decide from this option.      


Custom Apps Limitations?

            Professional Edition - 255 To exceed this limit, Contact Salesforce

            Enterprise Edition - 260 To exceed this limit, Contact Salesforce

            Unlimited and Performance Edition - Unlimited

            Developer Edition - 10


Can we change standard navigation to console or vice versa?

No, navigation which is selected as the time of app creation will be final. You cannot edit it later.


What is Tab in Salesforce?

A tab is like a user interface that is used to build records for objects and to view the records in the objects.

There are Four types of tabs in Salesforce:


Standard Object Tabs:

   Standard object tabs display data related to standard objects

Custom Object Tabs:

   Custom object tabs display data related to custom objects. These tabs look and function just like standard tabs.

Web Tabs:

  Web Tabs display any external Web-based application or Web page in a Salesforce tab

Visual force Tabs:

            Visual force Tabs display data from a Visual force Page.              


What are the Tabs Visibility?

            Default on: Tab will be available in navigation bar

            Default off: Tab will be available in App Launcher

            Tab Hidden: Tab will not be accessible


What is lightning component tab in salesforce?

 A lightning-tab component keeps related content in a single container.

            The tab content displays when a user clicks the tab. Use lightning-tab as a child of the lightning-tabset component.

          This component inherits styling from tabs in the Lightning Design System


Visibility of the tabs is controlled by?

 Profiles and Permission set


Can we deploy the tab from sandbox to production?

Yes we Can deploy   


Which permissions are by default enabled when we add tab to an application?

When a new tab is added to an application in Salesforce, by default, the "View" permission for that tab is enabled for all profiles, unless customized otherwise. This means that users with that profile will be able to view the data contained within the tab. However, the "Edit" or "Delete" permissions may need to be enabled separately depending on the requirements of the organization.


Same tab can be used in how many application?

A single tab in Salesforce can be included in multiple applications.      


What is default landing tab?

In Salesforce, the default landing tab is the tab that a user is taken to upon logging into the application.

            By default, this is typically set to the Home tab, which provides an overview of the user's recent activity, important updates, and other information relevant to their work.


How to see the tabs which are not in the Tab Panel?

Go to the Setup menu by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.

  Under the "Build" section, click on "Tabs."

 In the "Tabs" page, you can see all the tabs that have been enabled for your organization, regardless of whether they are currently included in a Tab Panel.

 To see only the tabs that are not currently included in a Tab Panel, click on the "Show" drop down and select "Not Included in a Tab Set."

 The list of tabs displayed will now show only the tabs that are not currently included in a Tab Panel.

 You can then add these tabs to a Tab Panel by selecting them and clicking the "Add to Custom App" or "Add to Existing App" buttons, depending on your needs.


Can we create a new tab style?



List out the field types of custom Object?


Numeric Field data Types            :




Calender data types                      :          



Limited Option Data types            :




Text Data types                               :


                                                           Text Area - 255

                                                           Text Area(Long) - 131,072

                                                           Text Area(Rich) - 131,072



Formatted Text Data types:




Limit of custom fields per object?


            DEVELOPER EDITION - 500


What is API name?

API name is unique name for Object, field etc.


Difference between description and help text fields?

Description is used to provide extra information about the field. It won’t be visible on App or UI.

            Help text is used to show a tooltip about a field on UI or Detail Page.


What is auto number type?

It is a read only field.

It generated automatically in sequence in the defined format.


What is record name field?

                        It is a standard field of Text or Auto Number

                        It is a required if it is text type

                        It is a read only if it is in auto Number

 When user clicks on this field, it redirects to detail page of the record.


How to restrict a custom text field to accept duplicate value ?

Enable the attribute 'Unique' in field edit page.


How many ways to make a field to be required declaratively?

            1.Enable required option in field edit page

            2.Enable required option in page layout

            3.Validation rules


How to rename the standard fields of standard object?

 Cannot be possible.


What are system fields?

 In Salesforce, system fields are predefined fields that are automatically created for each record in an object

                        Created Date

                        Last Modified Date

                        Created By

                        Last Modified By


                        System Modstamp

                        Id (Record Id)


What is the Use of "System Fields"?

These fields can be used to track the history of a record and to provide important metadata about it.

            They cannot be deleted or modified, but they can be hidden or made read-only.

                        ->Record tracking

                        ->Record ownership

                        ->Record identification

                        ->Data auditing

                        ->Data validation

                        ->Reporting and analysis

Overall, system fields provide valuable information about records in Salesforce and play an important role in maintaining the integrity and accuracy of data.


What type of operations we can perform on the system fields?

Viewing: You can view the values of system fields in record detail pages, list views, reports, and dashboards.

Searching: You can search for records based on their system field values.

 Filtering: You can use system fields to filter records in list views, reports, and dashboards.

Sorting: You can sort records based on their system field values in list views, reports, and dashboards.

 Grouping: You can group records based on their system field values in reports and dashboards.

Calculation: You can use system fields in formula fields, custom fields, and calculated fields to perform calculations based on their values.  


What is the use of Search bar available on top?

            On the setup page it searches for anything available under setup.

            On the App page search records for particular object.


What is Record Id?

            It is unique for each record. When we view a record then its record id can be visible in the url.


What is the difference between 15 characters ID and 18 Character ID?

            15-character IDs: These are the original IDs used by Salesforce to identify records. They are short and consist of a combination of letters and numbers.

            18-character IDs: These IDs are longer than 15-character IDs and include additional information such as the object type code and the Salesforce instance where the record was created.


Difference between 15 and 18 digit ID's in Salesforce?

            15 digit - This ID from URL this is case sensitive this is your are using with in Salesforce will use this ID                         

            18 digit - this ID from Data Loader Export this will be case in sensitive it won't check

Whenever we are working with another platforms, then some of them are Case in sensitive. So Salesforce has given two ID'sales

Whenever coding CASESAFEID() is used to get 18 digit id from 15 digit id.             


What does the first three characters in the ID indicate?

 The first three characters in a Salesforce 18-character record ID indicate the object type code of the record

 ex:If the first three characters of an ID are "001", it indicates that the record is an Account.

 If the first three characters are "003", it indicates that the record is a Contact.               


What does the last four characters in the ID indicate?

The last four characters in a Salesforce ID indicate the record type    


What is the difference between Systemmodstamp and Last Modified Date?

Systemmodstamp : It does reflect changes made to the record through work flows, ownership changes, or updates made by the system.

Last Modified Date : only captures changes made to the data in a record.

It does not reflect changes made to the record through work flows, ownership changes, or updates made by the system


Can we create phone field with Phone as well as text data type?



Do we have to define length for text field as it already has length as 255?




Can we add radio button for gender (male , female)?

No, Use picklist field for this.


Can we restrict picklist values based on user? or can we show picklist particular values to particular user?


No. We can restrict them based on Record Type


Limits for Custom Picklists?

            Custom single-select picklists limits:


                        Up to 1,000 values.

                        Up to 255 characters per value.


            Custom multi-select picklists limits:


                        Up to 500 values.

                        Up to 255 characters per value.

                        Users can select up to 100 values at a time on a record.


What is Global pick list in Salesforce?


            A Global Picklist in Salesforce is a picklist field that can be used in multiple objects and multiple record types



                                                Consistent data

                                                Centralized management

                                                Easier to update

                                                Reduced administration


Can we attach document as well in rich text?


            No. Use Notes & Attachment related list for this purpose.


What is the use of restricted value?


            We cannot have picklist values other than specified while performing data load operations


Can you change any picklist value on standard object?


            Yes we can add new values.


Can we recover any deleted field?


Yes, Under each object there is deleted field button available from their you can recover or permanently delete.


What is the difference between created by and owner?

            Created By - Who created first record. But can't able to change this field

            Owner - captures the current owner of a record. can be changed to reassign the record to a different user.


How many ways provide Field access?

            By using profile,

            By using permission set

            By using Page page layout

            By using Field set


How many ways can we able to create field?


            By using schema builder

            By Using in Standard process


How Many Ways we can make Field required?

            While creating field in object

            Through page layouts

            Through Validation Rules


Can we change the data type from Text to Auto Number for the Name when we already have?

Yes, it is possible


What are Text Encrypted fields?

            Text Encrypted fields in Salesforce are a type of custom field that can store sensitive information, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, or credit card numbers.


Can we use text encrypted fields in the filter conditions and formulas?



Can we write Validation rules on text encrypted fields?



Can we search data based on the text encrypted fields?



Do we need the permission to modify the encrypted fields?

yes we can do


Can we insert pick list values through dataloader in Salesforce?

 Yes it is Possible


Can we deploy the text encrypted fields from sandbox to production?

Yes we can able to deploy


What is Field Set in salesforce?

            It is Collection of fields. It control the layout of record detail pages and define the data that is available to display in Visual force pages, Lightning pages, and other components.

            Field sets provide a way to group and reuse fields across multiple pages and use cases, making it easier to manage changes to the fields that are displayed.


What are the Read only fields in salesforce?

            Auto Number

            Roll up Summary field

            Formula field


What is Indexed fields in salesforce?

            Indexing a field means creating a database index on that field to speed up queries and search performance.

            By default, Salesforce automatically indexes certain fields, but administrators can also manually index custom fields to improve query performance.

            Indexed fields can improve the performance of reports, list views, and other database operations that involve searching and filtering data


What are Indexed fields in salesforce?

            ID fields (e.g. Account ID, Contact ID, Opportunity ID, etc.)

            Foreign key fields (e.g. Account ID on the Contact object)

            Name and Owner fields

            Lookup relationship fields

            Custom fields marked as unique

            Date and Date/Time fields used in filter criteria or sort order


What are external ID fields?

            Number, Auto Number, email and text Fields. It will be used to reference an Id from another, external system.

            External Id's are search able in Salesforce and you can also use the Upsert API call with the external id refers to records when making changes via Data Loader


For Which data types we can enable External ID?



            Auto Number



In the related List how many fields we can able to add?

We can add 10 fields


What are the standard fields that created automatically when you create custom object?

            Record Name





What is the importance of OWNER field?

            Only owner can delete the record.

            Only owner can share the record to other user.


Is it possible to change the owner field?



What is Controlling field?

The value of this field controls the value of the dependent field.

Standard or custom picklist less than 300 values and any check box fields


Which field types can be controlling field?

Picklist & Checkbox of both standard and custom


Which field types can be dependent field?

 Picklist & MultiPicklist of Custom type


What are the possibilities to customize the standard Fields?

            i.Rename the labels

            ii.Add help text

            iii.Add picklist values


What is Dependent Field?

The value of this field depends on the value of the controlling field.




What are the indexed fields in Salesforce?

When a field is indexed, it's store values more efficient data structure. This is taking more space but improves performance when at least two filters with indexed fields are used in a query.

Primary keys: ID, Name, Owner, Email

Standard Indexed fields:  RecordTypeId



Systemmodstamp (LastModifiedDate)


Email (for contacts and leads)

Foreign key relationships (lookups and master-detail)

The unique Salesforce record ID, which is the primary key for each object


Custom Indexed fields:

Auto Number





How Many fields (columns) can be displayed on a customizable Related List?

10 fields


How many other fields may a Custom lead field be mapped to when converting a lead?


            3 Custom Fields Account, Contact, opportunity


Searches and Filters that takes a long time may be canceled?




You can map a custom lead field to only ones of the following Objects at a single instance(check all that apply)?


            Account, Contact, Opportunity


How Many fields We want to set up tracking per Object?


            You can select a combination of up to 20 standard and custom fields per object


In field History Tracking Which fields can  not able to track?



                        roll-up summary

                        auto-number fields, Created By and Last Modified By

                        Fields that have the AI Prediction check box selected

                        Expected Revenue field on opportunities


Note: Field history tracking data and Field Audit Trail data don’t count against your data storage limits


In Each section how many columns we can set up fields?


            Two Only By using admin page layouts


What is the maximum number of characters limit of formula field?


            3600 characters


Which type of fields can't support to be used in formula field?


            Long text area, encrypted or description fields can't used in formula fields


What is the difference between ISPICKVALUE and INCLUDES?





What is the difference between ISBLANK() and ISNULL()?


            ISNULL - It work's only for number data type fields. If we don't populate with the value for number fields it will return true.

                                                it won't be supported Text fields, because it will never become null.


            ISBLANK - IT supports both Null and Text data types


What are the return types for formula fields?


            check box








What will be the return type of formula field when we have to find the difference between two dates?Ex: date of joining minus today?




can we run validation rules only for new records and not while updating the records?


            Yes we can use ISNEW()


Which pick lists are not available for record types?


            opportunity stage

            case status

            solution status

            lead status


What is Lookup Relationship in Salesforce?


            Look Up Relationship or One to Many Relationships:  A look up is a loosely coupled relationship, allowing you to connect one object to another in a one to many fashion. child sharing is not dependent of the parent. it can have it's own sharing

                                                                                                                                             What is Master Detail Relationship?


Master Detail Relationship: It is strongly coupled relationship. In this One object acts like a Master(Parent) and another object acts like Detail(Child). When the Parent record is deleted it's child record also gets deleted.

we can define relationship between two custom objects and standard and custom objects. We can also have a roll up summary field in this relationship

which help us calculate the values from child record by using aggregate functions like count, sum, min, max. Parent record is required in child record's page layout. we can create 2 relationships per object.The owner field is not available in child object and it is automatically set it's related parent record owner only if we are having custom object is child then can't have sharing rules, manual sharing, queues as the require the Owner field. Also we can't create this relationship in which the user or lead objects are the masters


What is Many to Many Relationship?


            Many TO Many Relationship: In this Relationship records of particular objects are linked to multiple records of different objects and vice versa.

                                                                                                There is no such field as a many-to-many relationship in Salesforce, we can create a many-to-many relationship by creating two master-detail relationships with a common object.

                                                                                                This common object can also be specified as the "junction object".


What is Self-Relationship?


            Self-relationship simply means creating a relationship with itself.

            In this, we can relate an object with itself by look-up.

            Example: Account object has a field called Parent Account which shows the self-relationship in Account


What is External look up relationship?


            This is a new field type that has been introduced with Salesforce Connect. To link an external object to another external object, we use the external relationship field.

            It supports standard look-up relationships that use 18 characters Salesforce Id for the association. It is new type of relationship with Salesforce connect This relationship can link to external object


What is Hierarchical Relationship?


            Hierarchical Relationship: it is available only user object

Note: One to One: one to one relationship we can do two ways configuration and by using apex trigger.


How do we create relationship fields? Or which object we can create relationship fields?


            First we have to identify which one is parent and child object. Then we should always create relationships from child object


can we create look up relationship on an object which already having existing data?


            Yes we can


A roll up summary option is disabled in one of the objects. What is the reason?


            Either objects is having look-up relationship with other objects or it doesn't have any relationship with other objects


can we create a roll-up summary or mimic roll-up summary functionality on a lookup?


            No and Yes we can't do with customization but we can do by using triggers


Difference between Look Up and master detail relationships?

Look Up Master Detail

One to Many relationship

One to Many relationship


up to 40 relationships will create per object up to two only will create per object

it is not required field it is require field parent will delete child record not deleted parent delete child record also gets deleted this create both Objects this will create only custom object


What is Account and Contact Relationship


The Account-Contact relationship is a standard relationship:

it is a little like lookup, a little like Master-Detail, but fundamentally behaves the way it does because we decided it should.


Can we create a lookup and master detail field on a standard object?

Lookup - Yes Standard objects can't be on the detail side of a custom object in a master-detail relationship.


How to identify which is primary and child objects?


            The object which has lookup or master-detail field will be child and another will be parent.


Can lookup be converted to master detail?


            Yes, but please insure that every record has its parent assign then you can convert look up into master details


Can we convert master detail into lookup?




Can you delete empty records and add Master-detail relationship after?




Is there a way to change filter logic as OR in roll up summary field?




What we can do if there are N no of records are there for converting lookup to MD?


            Through some automation you need to populate parent record on each record where lookup field is blank then only you can convert lookup field into master-detail.


What is difference between, if we create Lookup Relationship with required and MDR?


            If you create a lookup with required then you won’t be able to delete parent record,

            But in MDR it is by default required but still you will be able to delete parent and child will be deleted as well.


Master (custom object)--->child(standard object ) is it possible?




can you make roll up with picklist or checkbox?




How many roll up summary can be created in an object?


There is a soft limit of 25 rollup summary fields per object but that can be increased to 40, as per this Salesforce article. It is not recommended to go beyond 25, as the more rollup summary fields you create, the more complex the org can become.           


Where can we reach the bin?

It is available under each object as “deleted fields”


Can we create junction object with 3 master detail object?




What does it mean field to aggregate in roll up summary field in simple words?


            To select which field value will be added or calculated as max/min on parent record


if suppose we have 2 objects of one child. if one object is deleted what will happen?


            Deleted object records will be deleted from child object


While conversion of lookup to master if u have 15k records in particular object, how to fill the lookup field? One by one or we have any other way?


            Through Automation Flow or Trigger


​Is there any standard junction object in Salesforce?




Can we use more than one junction object in single project?




If a junction object has two parents, which parents properties or security will the junction object take?


            The one which is created first


Can a child record be a master to some other object?




Can we create a Master-Detail relation on the standard object?




What is the Security sharing on the master-detail relation?


            If we are creating this relationship. Child will depend parent only. In OWD controlled by parent will be visible


What is Primary Key?


            It resides on the table which is one in a many to one relationship.


What is Foreign Key?


            It resides on the table which is many in a many to one relationship.


What is Primary Master?


            It is the relation created first with any of the two master objects.

            The object with which the relationship is created first is called the "primary master object"


What is Secondary Master?


            The second master-detail relationship created with another master object.

            The object with which the relationship is created first is called the "secondary master object"


We need to delete the child records automatically when I deleted the parent record. How is this possible?


            The objects must be in master-detail relationship.


What is Junction Object?


            A junction object in Salesforce is a custom object that is used to establish a many-to-many relationship between two objects


            Suppose you have a standard object called "Contact" and a custom object called "Event."

            You want to track which contacts are attending which events.

            To do this, you create a custom junction object called "Event Attendee."

            The Event Attendee object has two master-detail relationships: one to the Contact object and one to the Event object.

            You create a record in the Event Attendee object for each attendee, with the Contact record as the parent in one master-detail relationship and the Event record as the parent in the other.


If the junction object contains 200 records related to a parent can we delete a corresponding parent?


            No we can't able to delete


Can we provide users only edit access to detail object?


            It is not possible. User must have at least read access to master object to have an access on child


Is it possible to convert Mater – Detail Relationship to Look up Relationship?


            If the parent object doesn’t have Roll up Summary fields for the child object then we can convert.


What is a Record Owner?

The User or Queue who controls and have the right to access  a record.


            Generally there are two types of Owners. They are





What do Master-Detail relationships will involve?


            Cascading deletes and sharing rules which are controlled by the parent


What will happen if we undelete the deleted Junction Object?


            Master – Detail Relationship data types will be converted to look up relationship data types.


What happens when we retrieved relationship records from recycle bin will it retrieve relationship Id as well in both lookup and master detail?




What is Cross Object Formula Field in Salesforce?


Cross Object Formula Fields span two related objects and reference merge fields on those objects. It can be referred to merged fields of parent objects on the child objects.

            Cross Object Formula Field is available on both master-detail as well as lookup relationship.

            Fields can be referred up to 10 relationships away. Cross Object formulas can be used everywhere except when creating default values


What is Lead Process?


            To control the pick list values of the status field on the lead object we should create lead process. Without selecting the lead process we can't create the record type for lead object


What is Sales process?


            To control the pick list values of the stage field on the opportunity object we should create sales process. Without selecting the sales process we can't create the record type for opportunity object


What is Page layout in Salesforce?


            Page layout in Salesforce is the visual representation of an object's detail page in Salesforce. It is used to define the fields, buttons, related lists, and other components that appear on a record's detail page


How many page layouts can be assigned to a profile on a object?


            A profile can be assigned up to two page layouts on an object in Salesforce.

            However, it is important to note that a profile can only have one active page layout at a time.


In the page layout section which features available?




            Quick actions

            Mobile & Lightning actions

            Expanded lookups

            Related Lists

            Report Charts


What is Compact layout?


            Compact layouts is group of fields, control which fields appear in the header.

            Salesforce that allows you to view and manage records in a more streamlined and simplified way.

            Compact layouts support all field types except text area, long text area, rich text area, and multi-select picklist


How many fields can we add in Compact layout?


            10 Fields


What is List Views?


            List view allows us to filter the list of records on an object’s tab


How may List views can we create per object?


            100 List views


In List View how many fields we can able to add maximum?


            15 fields


Which options is available while creating list view?


            Only I can see this list view

            All users can see this list view

            Share list view with groups of users


You will not delete any record if you delete your list views?


            Yes, on deletion of list view records won’t be deleted.


In the list view can we show a field which is not available in the page layout?




What is lightning pages?


            A Lightning page is a custom layout that lets you design pages for use in the Salesforce mobile app or Lightning Experience.

            Lightning pages occupy a middle ground between page layouts and Visual force pages.

            Like a page layout, Lightning pages allow you to add custom items to a page.


                        App Page

                        Home Page

                        Record Page

                        Email application pane


                        It's Support these components

                                                Standard Components

                                                Custom Components

                                                Third-Party Components on AppExchange


What is dynamic pages or Dynamic forms?


            The premise of Dynamic Forms is to create user centric, intuitive page layouts that display the right information at the right time.

            Over time, the page layout, or “Details” section in Lightning pages, can become congested with fields.

            Improve page load times.


What does lightning page mean?


            Page like home, record and app are known as lightning page because we are creating them in lightning experience.


What is the goal to have a home page? is it summary or what?


            To have generic component related to app.


What is difference between Page layout and lightning page?


            Page layout is more on fields and related lists.

            But on Lightning Page we can place many standard and custom components.


How many components place on home page? Is there any limitation?


            No. But you should place limited so that user needs to scroll less.


After we save can we change who can see the home page?


            Yes, you can control it through profiles


Can we change the page template after save? Or we need to make new lightning page?


            You need to create a new one


Can we create mobile app and website using Salesforce?


            Mobile app is already there that you can download on your phone. Website you can create using Experience Site


Standard components are available according to the record page you are setting up?




Under recently viewed unable to add fields to display how can we do that?


            It can be done through Search Layout Option. Which is available under object manager.


How to delete a custom object if it is used in apex classes and vf pages?


You cannot delete an object if it is referenced somewhere like apex or vf.


What happen if you delete the home page? You will delete any data?




What is the relationship between page layout and lighting page?


Page layout is placed on the lighting page. On the lightning page we can place more standard and custom components.


How can you identify Standard and Custom home Page, if we give label home to custom home page?


            You can find custom home pages under lightning app builder. Search lightning app builder in setup


You can share the home page only with any profile?


            App and Profile


So if we have multiple apps then will it accept Label as "Home" for all apps?


            Yes but API name should be different for multiple home pages.


Also can we have multiple home pages for multiple profiles?


            Yes, in one app you can have two home pages assigned to different profiles.


Record pages exist by default on standard objects or you should create like in custom object´s records?


For both standard and custom object, record pages are available by default.


What is use of Lighting App builder? What type of app we can create from this?


            Lightning App Builder is there to create lightning pages like home, record and app page.

            We cannot create from app builder. App you create through App Manager.


​What is managed package? How we can use it?


            Managed package you can download through App Exchange. You won’t be able to do any changes in the components provided by managed package.


What are the Flexi Pages in Salesforce?


            Lightning pages are known as Flexi Pages in the API, but are referred to as Lightning pages in the rest of the Salesforce documentation and UI.


Can we edit standard object record page?


            Yes, after editing you need to activate them


App page and home page are same?




How many types of record pages are available in app builder?


            Record Page does not have any type. They are available for each object.


Different between app manager and app builder?


            App Manager is used to create apps whereas app builder is used to create lightning pages like home, record and app page.


Can we use visual force in lightning too?




What are the uses of Dynamic Forms?


            ->An instant upgrade from page layouts

            ->Dynamic layouts - Use visibility rules to show and hide fields and sections

            ->Simpler layout management


How Many ways can we create Dynamic forms?


            Create a custom object record page

            Open an existing record page


What is Global Actions?


            Global actions let users create records, but the new record has no relationship with other records. And they're called global actions because they can be put anywhere actions are supported—on record detail pages, but also places like the feed or Chatter groups.

            These can be added to any page that supports action. For example, home page, chatter tab, and object pages


What are the Object Specific actions  in Salesforce?


             Create Records

             Update Actions

             Log a Call

             Custom Actions

             Send Email actions


What is Mini Page layout in Salesforce?


            Mini Page Layout is a layout defined from the existing “Page layout”.

            It is a subset of units existing in page layout. It is defined to show over details when you mouse over a field on an object's detail page or in the Recent Item section of the sidebar


What is search layouts?


            An ordered group of fields that are displayed when a record is presented in a particular context such as in search results, a lookup dialog, or in a related list


What is in line editing?


            On the detail page without clicking on Edit Button we can edit the fields, if it is not read only.


What is the purpose of using record types in Salesforce?


            The purpose of using record types in Salesforce is to provide different business processes, page layouts, and picklist values for the same object based on the specific needs and requirements of an organization.


How many record types can be created for an object in Salesforce?




Can record types be used to control the picklist values available on a page layout?




Can record types be assigned to specific profiles in Salesforce?




How can you set a default record type for a user in Salesforce?


            Go to Setup in the top right corner of the page.

            Type "Record Types" in the Quick Find box and select Record Types.

            Click on the object for which you want to set the default record type.

            Click on the record type you want to set as default.

            In the "Record Type Assignment" section, click on the "Set as Default" button for the desired profile.Save your changes.


Can a custom object have multiple record types in Salesforce?




How does record type impact the page layout assignment in Salesforce?


            Every record type having their own page layouts, based on record type we can customize which fields want to display.


Can you assign multiple page layouts to a single record type in Salesforce?


            No, a record type can only be associated with a single page layout



Can a record type be deleted in Salesforce once it is created?


            Yes we can, but deactivate ones we can able to delete, and also there is no dependency available in that record type


What is Lookup filter?


            Lookup filters in Salesforce are used to restrict the values that are displayed in a lookup field, based on specific criteria

            Improve user productivity and data quality with lookup filters.


Where we can create and Use Look Up filters?


            -> For Custom Help

            -> Error Messages

            -> Working with Master-Detail Relationship Fields

            -> Profile-Based Lookup Filters

            -> Record IDs vs. Record Names

            -> Testing

            -> Dependent Lookups on Page Layouts and Mini Page Layouts in the Console

            -> Lookup Filters and the Lookup Filter Fields Search Layout


Lookup filter criteria can’t reference which types of fields?


Relationship fields on activities System fields that are always read only, such as Created By and Modified By Relationship fields that support queues, such as Case Owner and Lead Owner


Notes: Each Object can have up to 5 active look up filters in classic you can use unlimited Lookup filter criteria can’t reference which types of fields in Source Object?


            Auto number




            Long text area

            Multi-select pick list

            Roll-up summary


            Text (Encrypted)

            Text area (Rich)

            Text area (Long)





Your organization wants to link tasks to accounts, but you only want tasks to be associated with accounts that are active. How can you accomplish this using lookup filters?


            To link tasks to active accounts using lookup filters,

            you can set a filter on the "Account" lookup field on the Task object to only show records where the "Active" field on the Account object is equal to "True".

            This ensures that only active accounts can be associated with tasks. You can set this filter in the lookup field's properties in the setup area of your organization's Salesforce instance.


What is Data Migration?


            By using Data Management, we can perform the operations on the Salesforce object records.​

            Migrating the records from one instance to another instance.​

            By using Page Layouts, we can insert / update / delete only one record at a time inside the object.  ​

            To perform the operations on the Bulk records at a time, Salesforce provides the "Data Management" features.​


What are the Salesforce data migration tools?


            Salesforce Data Import Wizard​

            Salesforce Data Loader​


            Salesforce Inspector​



What is Salesforce Data import Wizard?


            It is provided by Salesforce within the organization only.

            We can perform only "Insert, update, upset" operations only.


Which Objects are supported by data import wizard?


            Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Solutions, Campaign Members​


How many records can we insert by using data import wizard?


            50,000 records at a time


While we are inserting a file in data import wizard what is the maximum size file?


            100 MB If it is Zip file limit to 32 MB


How many fields we can import by using data import wizard?


            90 fields at a time


By using data import wizard can we export or delete operations?


            No we can't able to do


Which format file supported by using data import wizard?


            .CSV file only


You want to import 10,000 new leads into Salesforce. How would you use the Data Import Wizard to accomplish this task?


            Prepare the data->Start the Data Import Wizard->Select the Lead object->Map the fields->Upload the data->Preview the data->Start the import->Monitor the import


A company has duplicate records in its Salesforce instance and wants to merge them. How can the Data Import Wizard be used to merge duplicate records in Salesforce?


            No, we can't able to do by using data import wizard, but we can do by using data loader



What is data loader?


            Data Loader is an On-Premise Tool provided by Salesforce, Which requires the Installation in our Local Device.​

            By using Data Loader, we can perform all the Import and Export Operations on All Standard and All Custom Objects.​

            Data Loader allows us to process max. of 5 Million Records at a time. (i.e. 50 Lacks)​

            Data Loader will support both "Input and Output" in the form of .CSV Files. Once the operation has been done, it will generate 2 Output files


Which DML operations supported in data loader?


            1. Export​


            2. Export All​


            3. Insert​


            4. Update​


            5. Delete​


            6. Upset (Update + Insert)​


            7. Hard Delete​


How many types of authentication provides in data loader?


            1. OAuth Authentication:​


        Open Authentication, requires the credentials.​


            2. Password Authentication:  ​


           In this approach, we have to use our Salesforce Account   Credentials along with the Security Token.​


What is the field Mapping file format of the data Loader?


            .SDL(Salesforce data loader)


How to insert null values into Data Loader?


            No Data Loader settings we should enable "insert null values" check box otherwise we can't insert null values


What is the maximum batch size of data loader?


            Max - 10000

            Min - 1

            Default batch size apex data loader - 2000


How to enable Hard Delete button of data loader?


            Go to setting of data loader and enable Bulk API check box. if you are still unable to do you can check in profile level also enable the permission "Bulk API"


Is it possible to do update the records by using "upset" by using data loader?


            Yes we can able to do


By using update operation which field is required?


            "Record id or External Id"


What is


   is a on demand feature powered by mule-soft which is acquired by Salesforce.​

   is designed for all Salesforce users and all Salesforce editions


Which operations supports


            1. Export​

            2. Insert​

            3. Update​

            4. Delete​

            5. Upset (Update + Insert)


Is it possible to delete reports using Data loader?


            No, it is not possible to delete reports using data loaders.


When should you make use of bulk API?


            When you are loading a large number of records



How to import multi select pick list column using data loader?


            On the CSV file where it is multi select field is available make sure to separate values using semicolon (;)


Can we share a single report with other users?


            No, we can't however we can save the reports in the folder and we can share to user.


Can we bypass validation rules, triggers, work flows etc. while loading the data using a data loader?



What types of data can be loaded into Salesforce using the Data Loader?








            Custom objects



            Price books


            User records

            Chatter Groups

            Chatter Feeds

            It can also import and export data in various file formats such as CSV, Excel, and XML.


Can the Data Loader be used to update existing records in Salesforce?




How can data errors be identified and corrected during the data loading process in Salesforce?


            Validation rules->Error logs->Data preview->Data correction


How does the Data Loader handle duplicates and prevent duplicate records in Salesforce?


            Unique identifier

            Duplicate rule

            Upsert operation

            Error log

By using above things we can able to handle and prevent duplicate records


Can the Data Loader be used to load large amounts of data into Salesforce efficiently?


​            Yes, we can do and enable bulk API


How does the Data Loader interact with the Salesforce security model during data loading?


            The Data Loader interacts with the Salesforce security model during data loading by using below settings

            User security profile

            Object-level security

            Field-level security

What are some best practices for using the Data Loader in Salesforce?




How can we ensure data accuracy when using a dataloader in Salesforce?


            Prepare your data

            Use a unique identifier

            Test the data load

            Monitor the data load

            Validate the data

            Schedule data imports

            Back up your data

            Use error logs


Can the Data Loader be used to transfer data between Salesforce organizations?


            Yes we can able to do


How does the Data Loader support data privacy and data security in Salesforce?




            Access Controls

            Audit Trails

            Regular Security Updates


Can a dataloader be used to update records in Salesforce?


            Yes we can update the records, But we need map at least one field or Id field must we need


How can we schedule automated data loads in Salesforce using a dataloader?


            Schedule the data load to run at a specific time or interval by setting up a task in the operating system's task scheduler, or by using a scheduling feature provided by the data loader tool.


Can we use the dataloader import and export data in different file formats such as CSV, Excel, or XML in Salesforce?


            Yes we can use above mentioned file formats


How does the dataloader scenario handle errors and exceptions during the data import process in Salesforce?


            Error Log

            Error Handling

            Data Validation



What is " V Lookup"? Where we can use in Salesforce?


            When you need to find information in a large spreadsheet, or you are always looking for the same kind of information, use the VLOOKUP function.

            In Salesforce, there is no direct equivalent to the VLookup function. However, you can achieve similar functionality in Salesforce using various features such as:


                        Cross-Object Formulas

                        Lookup Relationships

                        Formula Fields



What is the difference between "Delete" and "Hard Delete"?


            Delete: it will go for trash or Recycle bin

            Hard Delete: it will not go trash directly deleted and it will not restore the record.


What is Export and Export all?


            Export : how many records we have in any object that will be exported and can't export deleted records

            Export All: We can Export All in Salesforce records and deleted records also we can exported.



What is Approval Process?


            An approval process is an automated process that approves records in Salesforce.

            When you build an approval process, you specify the steps necessary for approval


What are the Steps for Approval Process?


            Setup -> Create -> Workflow and Approval -> Approval Process

            Select object for approval process to be written

            Click on Create New Approval Process

            Select Standard Setup Wizard from drop down

            Enter the Process name, Unique Name and description for your process

            Specify Entry criteria


What are the Approval Actions?



            Email Alert

            Field updates

            Outbound Messages


Difference between workflow rule and approval process?


            Workflow triggers automatically on any DML action like Insert, Update.

            It consists of a single step or a single action to continue the process and workflow triggers are not visible to user.


            The approval process consists of multiple steps and should be approved by different users at a specific level. It may include rejection also


What are the criteria we can follow the approval process?


            As a condition where criteria are met

            As a formula that evaluates to true


Note: Standard Name field and Owner field cannot be removed from Approval Page layouts


What happens when a record is first submitted for approval?


            When users submit a record for approval, Salesforce automatically locks the record so that other users cannot change it while it is awaiting approval


Who can edit records that are awaiting approval?


            Records submitted for approval are locked. Users with the “Modify All” object-level permission for the given object or the “Modify All Data” permission can always unlock a record and edit it.

            You can also specify that the currently assigned approver can edit the record.

            You can still add campaign members to campaigns locked for approval.


Can records be automatically approved, rejected, or skipped based on certain criteria?


            Yes it is worked when the meet criteria for all steps


How many people have to approve these requests?


            An approval process can have several layers of approvals. Determine how many users have to approve requests and in what order.


What happens when a request is approved or rejected?


            When a request is recalled, approved, or rejected, Salesforce can perform up to 10 instances of each of the following types of actions—up to 40 actions total.

            You can also configure up to 40 actions to occur when a record has received all necessary approvals or is rejected.


Choose Approval Request Notification Templates?


            These fields are available from both the jump-start and standard wizards.


                        ->Approval Assignment Email Template

                        ->Approval Post Template


Specify Who Can Submit Records to an Approval Process?


            Initial Submitters - Submitter Type Allowed Submitters Page Layout Settings - Add the Submit for Approval button and Approval History related list to all Object page layouts Submission Settings - Allow submitters to recall approval requests


Which Group of Automated actions in an approval process?


            Initial Submission  

            Approval Step Approval  

            Approval Step Rejection  

            Final Approval        

            Final Rejection       


How Can we Override the Sender for Email Approval Notifications?


            From Setup, enter Process Automation Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Process Automation Settings.

            For Email Approval Sender, select the organization-wide address.

            Save your changes


How can we Enable Email Approval Response?


            From Setup, enter Process Automation Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Process Automation Settings.

            Select Enable email approval response.

            Save your changes.



How can we Enable Approvals in Chatter?


            From Setup, enter Chatter Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Chatter Settings.

            Click Edit.

            Select Allow Approvals.

            Save your changes.


Approval Limits?


            Active approval processes 1,000 Total approval processes 2,000 Active approval processes per object 300 Total approval processes per object 500

Steps per approval process 30 Approvers per step 25

            Initial submission actions per approval process 240

            Final approval actions per approval process 240

            Final rejection actions per approval process 240

            Recall actions per approval process240

            Maximum characters in approval request comments 4,000

Note: Once an approval process is activated no more steps can be added into it.


Can the user recall the submitted approval record?


            Yes we can configure this is an approval process. If "Allow submitter to recall approval request" is selected, then user can recall


Who are the participants in the approval process and what are their roles and responsibilities?

            Users only participants, based on their roles it will require for approval process


 What are the Criteria for Work Flow Rules?



            ->created, and every time it’s edited  

            ->created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria


In which order individual actions and types of actions are executed in work flow?


            We can't able to say which actions are executed first. however field update actions are executed first followed by other actions


What are Outbound messages? or How can we send a message or data by using outbound messages?


            It is used to Endpoint URL. which will provide by other systems like SAP, Oracle etc

            It will allow us to send the data from Salesforce to other systems

            It this process we can select which fields we want


In the work flow field update, can we update the related object or can we update cross object fields?


            Yes we can update related object fields, but it is possible to child to parent update is possible not to other ways


What if we want to do field update from parent to child?


            We can use process builder, both ways we can update fields


What are the different options we have in work flow rule criteria?


            Criteria are met

            Formula evaluates true


What if we neither have any criteria to meet nor formula to evaluate, then how can we skip the rule criteria as it is mandatory field?


            We can select formula evaluates to true option and in the formula enter 'True'


How can we see or monitor pending time-based work flow action?


            Goto setup->Monitoring->Time- based work flows


            we can delete pending time-based actions


What happens when the object is deleted work flow rule?


            When we delete custom object work flow rule also deleted


Can we create work flow rules on user object and what are the limitations?


            Yes we can create, limitation is we can't create task action


What are the work flow actions?


            Field Update

            Email Alert


            Outbound Message

            Record Creation

            Apex Code

            Time-Dependent Workflow

            Chatter Post

            Send a Custom Notification


The immediate actions and each time trigger can have Which Limits?


            10 email alerts

            10 tasks

            10 field updates

            10 outbound messages

            10 flow triggers


Work Flow Limits?




Total rules across objects

(Applies to any combination of work flow, assignment, auto-response, and escalation rules, active and inactive.) - 2,000


Total rules per object

(Applies to any combination of work flow, assignment, auto-response, and escalation rules, active and inactive.) 500


Active rules per object

(Applies to any combination of active work flow, assignment, auto-response, and escalation rules, as well as record change processes.)- 50


Time triggers per work flow rule1 10


Immediate actions per work flow rule1 40


Time-dependent actions per time trigger 40


Work flow time triggers per hour 1,000


Flow trigger work flow actions: flow variable assignments225 (N/A in Professional Edition)


Combined total of these automations that start or resume based on a record’s field value. 20,000


What are the evaluation criteria in work flow rules?


Created - It runs the rule criteria is met, only when the record is created and this rule only runs single time

            Created & Every time it's edited - Runs the rule every time record is created, edited. rule runs repeatedly up to meet the criteria

            Created & every time it's edited to subsequently meet the criteria - runs the rule always when a record is created and meets the criteria only when the record not meeting the criteria is updated now and now it is updating the criteria


What are the Email Templates?



            HTML with letter header

            Custom HTML

            Visual force



Where the email templates stored?


            Unified public email templates

            My email templates folder


What is Process Builder?


            Process Builder is a point-and-click tool that lets you easily automate if/then business processes and see a graphical representation of your process as you build.


Which components need to do process build?


At least process consists of a trigger criteria node at least one action.

You can configure immediate actions or schedule actions to be executed at a specific time.


When the process builder should run?


            Only when a record is created

            Anytime a record is created or edited


What are the actions we can perform by using process builder?


            Call Apex

            Create a Record

            Email Alerts


            Post to Chatter


            Quick Actions


            Send Custom Notifications

            Submit for Approval

            Update the Records


While we are calling apex in process builder which method we should mention in apex class or trigger?


            @invocable Annotation Method


What is the difference between Whold and WhatID?


            WhoId - Human objects like contacts, leads

            WhatId - multiple objects other like accounts, opportunity,case etc


What are the troubleshoot processes for Process Builder?


            Common Reasons Why Processes Fail

            Errors in the Process Builder


What Happens When a Process Fails?


Troubleshoot Processes with Apex Debug Logs Send Alerts When a Screen Flow Fails


What is Flow Builder?


            Lightning flows (or simply flows) help you automate complex business processes and manual data entry. Flows let you work smarter, not harder, by saving your users time and making sure the required tasks are accomplished correctly.


Types of Flows?


            Screen Flows

            Schedule - triggered Flows

            Auto launched Flows - Auto-Launched Flows with No Flow Trigger and Auto-Launched Flows with a Schedule Trigger

            Record - triggered Flows

            platform - event triggered flows


What are the three main building blocks in flow?


            Elements - Interaction, Logic, Data Elements

            Connectors -

            Resources - Variables, Collections, Constants, Formula, or Choices

            Interaction - Screen, Action, or Subflow

            Logic - Decisions, Assignments, and Loops

            Data Elements - Create, Update, Get, or Delete records


What are the Common Mistakes When Designing Flows?


            Using the wrong field or variable

            Not checking for null values

            Too many SOQL queries

            Object & field-level security for running user

            No access to running flows


Process builder cannot automate the outbound message like in workflow. True or False.




Is it possible to create parallel approval process (ability for multiple users to Approve or reject a record)?


             yes it is possible


How to debug the errors if any issue comes in process builder?


            1. Error will send email

            2. Using Debug log


In which object work flows are stored?


            Workflow objects are not accessible but the metadata are available as below

                        · WorkflowAlert

                        · WorkflowFieldUpdate

                        · WorkflowOutboundMessage

                        · WorkflowRule

                        · WorkflowTask


How to create work flow rule whenever record is updated time only?


            We will do this by using formula only.



Data Security - OWD settings, Sharing Rules, FLS, Profiles and Permission sets: 

What are the levels for security Salesforce data?


            Organization Level

            Object Level

            Field Level

            Record Level


How to Control Access at organization Level?


            Allowing only authorized users to access Salesforce

            Setting Password Policies

            Restricting IP ranges for Users.

            Restricting Login Hours for Users.


What are the required fields While creating User Record in Salesforce?


            User name

            User License




            last name


            Nick name

            Email Encoding

            Locale settings





            Receive Approval Request Emails


While we are managing password policies Which settings we have to require?


            Password policies

            User password expiration

            User password resets

            Login attempts and lockout periods

What is profile?


            A profile is a group/collection of settings and permissions that define what a user can do in Salesforce.

            A profile controls “Object permissions, Field permissions, User permissions, Tab settings, App settings, Apex class access, Visual force page access, Page layouts, Record Types, Login hours & Login IP ranges


What profile controlled?


            Object Permission

            Field Permission

            User Permission

            Tab Settings

            App Settings

            Apex class access

            Visual force page access

            Page Layouts

            Record Types

            Login Hours

            Login IP Ranges


Profiles - Access Level for set of users


                                    Create (C)

                                    Read (R)

                                    Edit/Write (E)

                                    Delete (D)

                                    View All

                                    Modify All


                                    Under the Custom Profile we can change the access Standard Objects and Standard fields. In standard Profile we can't change Any access.          


What is Queue?


            It denotes group of users. This feature helps to share the work load.


Where to access the Queue?


            In the list view of the objects under the tab.


How to share the workload in Salesforce Org?


            Using Queue


Can we assign more than one permission set to user ?




How many profiles we can assign to a single user?


            A profile can be assigned to many users but the user can be assigned to only one profile at a time.


How many types of profiles are there in Salesforce?


            There are two major types of user profiles in Salesforce – standard profiles and custom profiles


            System Administrator

            Standard Platform User  

            Standard Platform One App User         

            Standard User        

            Customer Community User        

            Customer Community Plus User

            Partner Community User

            Solution Manager 

            Partner User           

            Marketing User

            Read Only


What is permission set?

            Permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various tools and functions.

            Permission sets extend users' functional access without changing their profiles.

Permission sets are created based on?


            You can create a permission set based on the tasks that these users must perform and include the permission set within permission set groups based on job functions.

            If a permission isn't enabled in a profile but is enabled in a permission set, users with that profile and permission set have the permission.


What is the difference between freeze and deactivate in Salesforce?


            "Freezing" only stops the user from being able to login. When you "deactivate," it frees up that Salesforce license to be given to another user.


How many types of profiles are there?


            There are two major types of user profiles in Salesforce – standard profiles and custom profiles


How to create a custom profile in Salesforce?


            From Setup enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, and select Profiles.

            From the list of profiles, find Standard User.

            Click Clone.

            For Profile Name, enter HR Recruiter.

            Click Save.

            While still on the HR Recruiter profile page, then click Edit


Can we deploy profiles from sandbox to production?


            You can absolutely deploy profiles and permission sets safely, provided you keep a few things in your mind:

            Profiles work like junction objects when retrieving them from Salesforce


Which permissions we can assign using permission set?


            After you've created a custom permission and associated it with a process or app, you can enable the permission in permission sets.

            You can assign permission sets to a single user from the user detail page or assign multiple users to a permission set from any permission set page.

How many standard user licenses are assigned to the user?


            Every user must have exactly one user license. You assign user permissions for data access through a profile and optionally one or more permission sets.


How to lock the user from logging into his account?


            From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users. Select the locked user.


What are IP Address restrictions and in how many ways we do it?


            You can set IP Restriction under each profile. This will restrict access, and Users will only be able to log in from the IP addresses listed. ​

            Users will not be able to access Salesforce from any IP that is not listed in the range. They will receive a Restricted IP error when logging in.


Can we delete Standard profiles?


            No we can't delete Standard profiles but we can delete custom profiles it is not assigned to any user.


Can we modify Standard profiles?


            We can edit a limited number of setting in standard profiles but in custom profiles we can edit anything


What are different types of OWD's we have?


            Public Read/Write/Transfer (only available of Leads and Cases)

            Public Read/Write.

            Public Read/Only.



What is the difference between Private, Public Read, and Public Read Write?


            Private: - Only the owner can access and users above that role in the hierarchy can view, edit, and report on those records


            Public Read: - Every user can read and edit the data.


            Public Read Only :- All users can view and reports on records but they can not edit them. Only the record owner and all users above that role in the role hierarchy can edit those records


            Public Read/Write :- Every user's can read and edit and reports on all records or the data.


What is Public Read Write Transfer?


            All users can view, edit, transfer, and report on all records. Only available for cases or leads.


What is public Full Access?


            All users can view, edit, transfer, delete, and report on all records. Only available for campaigns.

            For example, if Ben is the owner of a campaign, all other users can view, edit, transfer, or delete that campaign.


Note: OWD define the base line access levels  for an object records in Salesforce org


What is "controlled by parent" in OWD settings?


            it is displayed in OWD setting to the object, which is child objects in a master detail relationship.


            Ex: Account and Contact are in md relationship, and OWD setting for Account is Private then OWD setting for Contact will be "Controlled by parent"


What is grant access using Hierarchies?


            It is checked the check box always, there is no option to un check the option for standard objects for custom objects admin user can check or un check it is based on the requirements if can check the option owner and his managers up to top level of users can access / see the records


What is View All and Modify All in Salesforce?


            These permissions are ignore all security setting and allow a user to view all data and modify all data in Salesforce org irrespective of his role and access

            we can't given any regular users in Salesforce orgs


How to hide the visibility of a field from user?


            There are two ways to hide the visibility of the field for a user

by removing the particular field from the Page Layout It's not available in record page only, but it can be visible from reports, search results, list views,

Related lists, email and email merge templates, custom links or API names in the code by removing the field access FLS it is not visible from any where


How to give permissions to two fields for different users who belongs to different profiles?


            By Using Permission set


What is Grant access using Hierarchies?


            In OWD we have private but your higher persons should see that time we go for Grant access using Hierarchies.


How can we change the Grant Access using Role hierarchy for Standard Object?


            Not Possible


Can we create a new profile without cloning an existing profile?


            No, we have to clone any one of existing profile to create a new profile.


How to provide security for Meta-Data files (Schema)?


            Using Profiles and Permission Sets.


What are limitations of OWD model?


         OWD narrows down the access. Cannot open access


There are five users under one profile and only one user see all the data. Account is private. Why?


            Create permission set with view all access to accounts and assign permission set to specific user


What is Access at the Role Level?


            Access at the role level depends upon the organization wide defaults.


Is it possible to bypass Grant Login access using Hierarchies in case of standard objects?




Is it possible to create sharing rules for detail object?


            No, we can not create sharing rules for details objects because they don’t have owner field.


Who can manually share records in Salesforce?


            Record Owners, Admin, Users above record owner in the Role hierarchy


Through sharing rules, which type of record access can be granted by the administrator?


            Read/Write and Read-only


What groups or individuals comprise public groups?



            Roles and subordinates



What is Role?


            A role is a record-level access in Salesforce that defines the visibility access of a user


How to create a role?


            Log in to Salesforce Org → Setup → Administer→Manage Users →Roles → Set Up Roles→COO → Assign


How many ways we can share a record?


            Manual Sharing

            Sharing Rules

            Account Team Sharing

            Opportunity Team Sharing

            Case Team Sharing

            Apex Sharing Rules


What is Sharing Rule?


            Sharing rules are used to permit the user to have additional access to the records and they are not severe than the OWD settings


What are the types of while creating sharing rules?


            Based on record owner

            Based on criteria


What is Manual Sharing?


            Manually share the records by using this option every record


What is a Public group?


            When we want to share a record with a group of users so that they can read/write the record.

            The owner of the records remains the same after sharing also.

            It is not required to mention Object names.


How to set the OWD access as 'Public Read Only' for the detail object (child object) in master-detail relationships?


            We cannot set OWD for detail object in master-detail relationship. It is always controller by parent. We cannot edit this  


Can you use sharing rules to restrict data access?


            No. Sharing rules are used to grant back access based on criteria or owners


Field access is removed from FLS in profile for a field. Is it possible to display the same field in page layout by enable required option?


            It is not possible


If the field is marked as required in edit page of a field, is it possible to remove the field from the page layout?


            No, it can not be removed


How the admin can login as another user for any troubleshooting?


            Approach 1:


                                                | - Security Controls

                                                | -- Login Access Policies

                                                            by enabling the option 'Administrators Can Log in as Any User', the system admin can login as another user.

            Approach 2:


                        User can provide permission for admin to login.

                        CapitalInfo Admin Interview Questions RANJITH KRISHNAN


                                    Below your name at the top of the page

                                    | - My Settings

                                    | -- Personal

                                    | -- Grant Account Login Access

                        Choose the option for the field 'Your Company's Administrator' for the defined period.


What is user license?


            It determines the features to be available to user


What are the assignment rules?


            On lead and case objects we can create the Assignment rules. Whenever any record is submitted for lead/case if specified condition in the Assignment rule satisfied based on that we can decide the owner of the case/lead.

            Note: While submitting case/lead we should check for 'Assign using active assignment rule' check box which will display under Optional section.


What are Auto response rules?


            On lead and case objects we can create the Auto-Response Rules.

            Whenever any record is submitted for lead/case if specified condition in the Auto-Response Rules satisfied based on that we can decide the email format which should send as auto response.


What are the Escalation Rules?


            On case object we can create Escalation rule. Based on the priority we can send escalation mails.


What is Duplicate rules?


                        A duplicate rule defines what happens when a user views a record with duplicates or starts creating a duplicate record.

                        Salesforce provides standard duplicate rules for business and person accounts, contacts, and leads. You can also create duplicate rules.

Or Your duplicate rules work together with your matching rules to prevent users from creating duplicate records.

            A matching rule determines whether the record a user is creating or updating is similar enough to other records to be considered a duplicate, whereas a duplicate rule tells Salesforce what action to take when duplicates are identified.


What are the Component Visibility Rules?


            A component can have up to 10 filters.

            Visibility filters aren’t supported for individual tabs inside the Tabs component.

            Some person account fields, including Email and Mobile, can’t be used in filters


What is Restriction Rules?


            Restriction rules let you enhance your security by allowing certain users to access only specified records.


            ->Restriction rules are available for custom objects, external objects, contracts, tasks, and events

            ->You can create up to two active restriction rules per object in Enterprise and Developer editions

            ->five active restriction rules per object in Performance and Unlimited edition


            Restriction rules are applied to the following Salesforce features



                                                List Views


                                                Related Lists







What is Scoping Rules?


            Scoping rules let you control the default records that your users see based on criteria that you select


            Scoping rules are applied to the following Salesforce features



                                                List Views


                                                Related Lists






What is sandbox?


            Sandboxes are isolated from your production org, so operations that you perform in your sandboxes don’t affect your production org.



What are different types of sandboxes?


            2.Dev pro

            3.Partial Copy

            4.Full Sand box


Types of sandbox?

Storage Refresh Interval Purpose

                        1. Developer 200 MB once in a day UNit Testing

                        2. Developer Pro 1 GB once in a day UNit Testing, System Int Test

                        3. Partial Copy  5 GB once in 5 days UAT

                        4. Full Copy Prod Storage once in 29 days Performance / Load Testing


For which edition we will have sandboxes?


            Sandboxes are only available on Professional Edition and higher for the included price of licenses.

            All other editions, including Contact Manager, Group, and Developer, cannot have or purchase Sandboxes.


What is deployment?


            Salesforce Deployment is nothing but copying/transferring Salesforce meta data from one Salesforce organization to another. There are various methods to achieve Salesforce meta data deployment.

            Different Deployment Methods. Change Sets. Eclipse with IDE ( Deprecated)


What is Inbound Change set?    


            An inbound change set is a change set that has been sent from another Salesforce org to the org you are logged in to. A change set must be deployed for the changes to take effect. You can deploy the contents of an inbound change set as a whole but not on a component-by-component basis.


What is outbound Change set?


            An outbound change set is a change set created in the Salesforce org in which you are logged in and that you want to send to another org. You typically use an outbound change set for customizations created and tested in a sandbox and that are then sent to a production org.


What is the advantage of deploying the code using change set?


            It provides a comfortable environment for programmers familiar with integrated development environments, allowing you to the code, compile, test, and package and deploy all from within the IDE itself.


What is the disadvantage of deploying code using change set?


            Lookup filter, labels, new pick list values, custom setting & labels are not available for deployments. 2. Time based work flow trigger actions cannot be migrated


How to deploy the code using eclipse into production?


            I imported sandbox code in Eclipse IDE.

            Created some apex class and tested it on sandbox Salesforce. ( ...

            To deploy changes to production (write click on file -> deploy to server)

            I entered user name, password and security token.


Can we deploy users from sandbox to production?


            Users are data records not meta data. You can export them using data loader and insert them to production.


What is Report?


            1.Report is a list of records related to objects that meet the criteria defined.​

            2.One can filter,group and do maths on reports.​


            3.One can display reports graphically through charts.​


What is Report Folder?​

            1.Report folders determines how one can access reports to View,Edit,or Manage.​


            2.Report folders can be public,hidden,or shared.​


            3.Every Report is stored is folder.​


Types of Report Folder?​

            Salesforce provides 2 types of  Report Folders.​


                        1.Standard Report Folders:​ These are the Ready made Folders provided by Salesforce by default​


                        Ex: Unfiled Public Report Folder,Sales Reports....​


                        2.Custom Report Folders:​ The Salesforce Admin/Developer can Create their own custom report folders based on the application requirement.​


                        Ex: Banking Report Folder,Weekly Report Folder....​


​Permissions on Report Folder​ Once the Report Folder has been created, then we can grant the permissions on the Report Folder to either “Users/Public Group/Roles/Roles & SubOrdinates”  ​Salesforce provides 3 Types of Permissions can be granted on Report Folders​







What is Report Type?


            1.A report type defines the set of records and fields available to a report based on the relationships between a primary object and its related objects.​


            2.The report type you choose determines which records and fields appear in your report. ​


                        There are two types of report types: ​


                                    1.Standard Report Types ​


                                    2.Custom Report Types​

Types of Reports?


            1.Tabular Report​

            2.Summary Report​

            3.Matrix Report​

            4.Joined Report​


What is Tabular Report?


            It is used to represent the data in the Tabular Format along with Grand Total.​

            Tabular Reports data can’t be represented in the form of Chart Component.​


​What is Summary Report?​


            By Using this Report Type we can represent the records by Grouping based on one or more fields inside the Object.​

            While Configuring the Summary Report, we can apply maximum of 3 Levels of Grouping.

What is Matrix Report?


            Matrix reports allows to group the report data based on both Row and Column level.​


What is Joined Report?


            Joined Reports allows to combine the multiple reports data inside a single report.​

            We can add max of 5 Blocks inside a Joined Report.​


What are the Types of Filters ​in Reports?


            Salesforce Provides 3 Types of filters​


                        1.Field Filter​ - In this approach we can add one or more user defined conditions based on the fields exist inside the object.​


                        2.Cross-Object Filter​ - In this approach we can apply the conditions on the Related object records.​


                        3.Row Limit Filter​ - By Using this Filter  we can restrict the Number of records inside the report by using Limit Clause.​


This Filter will be only applicable for the Salesforce Classic

What is Schedule Reports​?


            Scheduling reports are designed for scheduling reports for future run to get latest report data without running a report manually.​


            We can Schedule a report to run daily, weekly, or monthly.​


            We can set up to 200 scheduled reports.​


What is Dashboards?


            Dashboards in Salesforce are a graphical representation of Reports.​


            Dashboards present multiple reports side-by-side using dashboard components on a single dashboard page layout. ​


            Each dashboard can have up to 20 components.​


​What is Dynamic Dashboard​ ?


            Dynamic dashboards are used to display information tailored to a specific user.​


            Use dynamic dashboards when you want to show each user user-specific data, such as their personal quotas and sales, or number of case closures, or leads converted, etc.​


            Dynamic dashboards cannot be saved to private folders.​


Who can run the reports?


                        Users who is having "Run Reports" access able to run and report folder only can run the reports.


What is the use of bucket field in reports in Salesforce?


                        Group the values to the name we specify. it can group only below data type fields


                                                Pick list




How Many Maximum groupings we can do for summary, matrix and join reports?


Up to 3 fields we can group any of above reports types. It's not working Tabular Report


How Many blocks we can create for join reports?


                        5 blocks


How Many records we can display on page for a report?


We can display up to 2000 records on a page. if more records are need to display will go for through user interface. if you export the records we can

see up to 50000 records.


What are the things are not supported in Joined Reports?


                        Bucket Fields

                        cross filters

                        the rows to display filter


Can we create formula types in Reports?


                        Yes. formula fields are not available in tabular reports, but it's available for other report types. Formula can be only in the number, currency, and percent format.


What is the Analytical Snapshot or Reporting Snapshot?


                        it allows reports run at a scheduled time to be stored as object. Analytical Snapshots are used to perform trend analysis this will be available in Data Management menu option source report in analytical snapshot can be of the type of Tabular or Summary

it's require four steps we need Analytical Snapshot

                                    select source report

                                    select custom object

                                    map both object fields

                                    schedule the time for taking Snapshot


What is the difference between "Printable view" and "export Details" button on report?

Printable View: formatting, grouping, subtotals are displayed

Export Details: it's not displayed above ones and lost


Which permission is required to set the running user other than you in dashboard?


                        "View All Data" in profile level


Who can access "Drag and Dashboard"?


                        User with permission having "Manage Dashboard"


Can We Create A Formula Type In Reports?




                        Formula are not available in tabular reports but available for other report types.


                        Formula can be only in number, currency and percent format.


What do you mean by Custom Reports in Salesforce?


            These are the reports created by users with specific criteria within Salesforce.

            Unlike standard reports, we can delete, edit and store custom reports in a personal folder.


What do you mean by scheduling a report?


            Salesforce provides functionality to schedule a report for an upcoming date or time stamp whatever you need.


What do you mean by Trend Reports in Salesforce?


            These reports are used to display the historical data in Salesforce. It can be used to analyse which field contains data and we want to leave out.



Can we schedule dynamic dashboards?


            No, we cannot schedule dynamic dashboards for refresh. It must be done manually.


What is the use of “floating report header”?


            Floating report headers enables us to display the column header visible on each page when we scroll the report page.


How to enable “floating report header”?


            To enable floating report header in Salesforce go to Setup=>Customize=>Reports and Dashboards=>User Interface settings=>Click on enable floating report header.


What is the problem if I cannot see object while creating  a new report?


            Allow report check box is not selected for the object. Go to the object, edit and enable Allow Report check box.


What is the summary formula and why is it used?


            Summary formulas are a great way to calculate additional totals based on the numerical values in your report.


Custom summary formula is a powerful reporting technique used to create summaries of your numerical?


            Fields. This only available for summary, matrix, and joined reports.


What do API calls in Salesforce represent?


            Specific operations invoked by your client applications at runtime to perform tasks


What must be done before a user can access the API?



            They must be granted “API Enabled” permissions


Salesforce API calls are?


            Service requests and responses, synchronous, committed automatically v/s rollback on error


What can chatter-free user access?


            Groups and files


What restrictions do double values in Salesforce have?


            Scale and precision


Which Data Types Supported by Data Loader?


            Base 64


            Date Formats






Difference between the Lightning and Classic Report Builders?


            Report Formats - In the Salesforce Classic report builder, you must choose a report format before grouping data.

                                                                        In the Lightning report builder, the report format automatically updates as you group report data. It isn’t necessary to select a report format.



Which Features Not Available in the Lightning Report Builder Beta?


            Row Limit Filters

            Dashboard Settings Menu



Changing the Report format?


            ->Tabular to Summary or Matrix

            ->Summary, Matrix, or Joined to Tabular

            ->Summary to Matrix       

            ->Matrix to Summary       

            ->Tabular, Summary, or Matrix to Joined



Grouping Data in Different Report Formats?


            ->Summary and joined reports can have up to three grouping levels

            ->Matrix reports can have two row and two column groupings

            ->For matrix reports, you can't use the same field for both row and column groupings

            ->For joined reports, you can use the fields from the Common Fields category in the Fields pane to group across all report blocks


What are the Chart Data settings?


            ->Chart Type

            ->X-axis and Y- Axis

            ->Combination Chart







What are Chart Types?


            ->Bar Charts

            ->column Charts

            ->Line Charts

            ->Pie Charts

            ->Donut Charts

            ->Funnel Charts

            ->Scatter Charts


For One Report how many bucket fields will create?


            Up to Five bucket fields


For Each Bucket field can contain how many buckets?


            Up to 20 Buckets


            and each bucket can contain 20 values


In Historical Trend report how many fields can contain?


            Up to 100 fields it's supported only matrix reports


What is Auditing?


            Auditing provides information about use of the system, which can be critical in diagnosing potential or real security issues.

            The Salesforce auditing features don't secure your organization by themselves; someone in your organization should do regular audits to detect potential abuse


            Usage Trends for Auditing


                                    ->Record Modification Fields

                                    ->Login History

                                    ->Field History Tracking

                                    ->Setup Audit Trail


What are the Group Member Types we have in Salesforce?


            Customer Portal Users

            Partner Users         

            Personal Groups    

            Portal Roles


What is the maximum size of the PDF generated on visual force attribute renderAs?




What is the maximum number of blocks allowed in a joined report?




Use Custom Formulas to create facilitated summaries on numerical fields in _______ and ________ reports?


            Summary and Matrix


The Chatter free license gives users the ability to access People, Profiles, Groups and Files as well as(code all that apply)?


            Make posts

            View Comments

            Upload Files

            Join Groups


In the report builder Which components we have?


            Fields Pane

            Filters Pane

            Preview Pane


Note: Preview pane only shows a limited number of records. Run the report to see all the results.



Order of Execution in Salesforce:



When we click on Save Button what will happen in back end like insert and update the records.


                        1.Loads the record from data base / Initialize for up sert

                        2.Order Values are overwritten

                        3.System Validation rules like (layout specific rules, field formats, maximum length)

                        4.Apex(before trigger will fire)

                        5.Custom Validation rules(Whatever you have written)

                        6.Records are saved (data base) not committed

                        7.Record reloaded from data base

                        8.Apex after trigger

                        9.Assignment rules(Lead or case)

                        10.Auto response rules

                        11.Work flow rules

                        12.Escalation Rules

                        13.Roll Up Summary formulas updated

                        14. Executes the criteria based sharing.

                        15.Data base committed.

                        16. Post commit the logic(Sending the emails etc)


Note: Custom Settings are easily accessible data from custom objects based on user frequently seeing the data.


                        Two Types of custom settings we have

            1. List = Same data for every user in organization

            2. Hierarchy = Data Can be fetched based on Profile and user.

 In this Custom settings lot of difference compare to custom objects while creating any fields many of the fields not available like while creating in custom object(relationship fields, pick list values fields etc)


How to fetch custom setting, is it like querying of custom object?


                                    Get custom Object data => List<SampleObject>sobjs=[select id from SampleObject];


   Get custom settings data => List<My_Custom_seetings__c>sobjs=My_Custom_seetings__c.getall().values();

 for(My_Custom_seetings__c phoneCode : PhoneCodes) system.debug(PhoneCode);


Get Instance method => My_Custom_seetings__c PhoneCode=My_Custom_seetings__c.getInstance('India');

system.debug(PhoneCode); get Hierarchy custom setting data My_Custom_seetings__c sobjName=My_Custom_seetings__c.getValues(userinfo.getUserId());


Advantages of custom settings:

1. No query is required value

2. Fast access of data increasing the performance

3. Hierarchical custom settings are allows data for different profiles and users


Disadvantages of custom settings:

1. It is cannot be deployed

2. Only 300 fields allowed custom settings

3. custom settings count against total number of custom object in organization

4. tabs can not be created in custom settings


Custom Meta data: Custom Meta data is similar to custom setting except this is deploy able to across environments. while sending the custom settings one org to another org it's not available with records only available in custom setting main component-by-component while sending the custom meta data with records it will be available all information.

                                    SOQL with no governor limit of custom Meta data. if we query any meta data it will not count governor limit.

We have available validation rules Page Layouts We can create look up to another custom meta data like custom objects.


Deployment: By Using Change set


A change set which one organization can send the customization to another organization. a change set is a set of components Change sets can only contain modifications through the set up menu Change sets may contain customizations to existing components or new components, but can't be used to delete or rename components

We can't use a change set to upload the data.


Two types of Change sets we have

1. Outbound change set - change set which can be created by us to upload or to move components to another organization.

2. Inbound change set - Is a change set that has been sent from another organization to organization you are logged into and ready for validate or deployment.


How to establish connection between orgs:

                                                                                                                                              ->in quick find box search Environments and under select Deployment settings

                                                                                                                                                            ->Open any Sandbox name which one you want to connect->click on edit

                                                                                                                                                            -> check the box Allow inbound Changes-> click on save


How to Create an Outbound Change set: quick find box -> search Change sets -> outbound change sets -> click on new -> enter any name and then click on save

Here we can add two types of components

Change set components

Profile settings for included components

                                                                                                                                                            -> Once opened outbound change Select any one of those two components based on requirement or based on which we need to send the data

                                                                                                                                                            -> Click on add and then select which one do you need to send and is there any dependencies you can select view/add dependencies

                                                                                                                                                            -> click on Upload -> select target Organization and again click on upload.


Go to Target organization -> click on in bound change set -> check waiting queue for deploy -> open the component-by-component

                                                                                                                                                            -> click on validate -> then click on deploy


Here we have a four types of validate change sets


                                                                                                                                                                                                            Run Local Test

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Run All tests

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Run specified Tests


Note: we can't deploy any apex classes, triggers,LWC components. We need code coverage minimum 25% otherwise we can't able to deploy.


Limitations in Configuration:(Salesforce CRM - SAAS)


            1.While customizing the page layouts, we can arrange the fields in max of 2 columns inside a section

            2.while managing the records inside the objects , we don't have de-duplication process

            3.we can't design the customized user interface based on the application requirement.

            4.we can't change the background color, text color, font, size, style for standard user interfaces.

            5.we can't share the records to the required people dynamically, by selecting user's at run time and by the selecting the level of access at run time

            6.By using configuration, we can't implement the assignment rules on the custom objects.



Limitations in Configuration:(force.CRM - PAAS)


            Platform - It is Development environment which provides collection of resources to develop the our own custom applications.

            Salesforce provides a cloud platform called as "", which is used to build the custom applications based on the business needs.


                        Ex: Banking, Finance, Insurance, Health care, Consulting,


                        1.By Using platform, we can customize the Salesforce crm application features

                        2.We can leverage the existing Salesforce CRM application features by adding the additional enhancements

                        3.We can build the complex application based on the requirements

                        4.We can integrate the Salesforce applications with any third party System.


            It Will provides two programming languages


                        1. Apex  - we can implement the custom business logic to perform operations in the application.

                        2. Visual force - Visual force is a web development frame work, which is used to design attractive and dynamic user interface.



What is repository?


            Repository tab is mainly used for understanding the related entities of any concerned apex code. In an organization, there could be thousands of apex classes through which the control navigates.


What is Time Trigger?


            Time based work flow is like acts future action in the work flow we have some actions like email alerts and send any notifications we need in future date this "TIme Trigger" will fire.


Relationship Queries with Standard Objects:


                                    We have Two Types of relationships :  Child object-> and include fields from a related parent object, use a child-to-parent query.

                                                                                                                                                            Parent object-> and include fields from a related child object, use a parent-to-child query.


How to call Java script using static resource in Visual Force Page?


            Add Java script file in Static Resource.


                                    set up -> Develop -> Static resources -> New


            Name: fileName and add file from local desktop and save

            <apex: includescript values="{!$Resource.fileName}"/>


Apex Sharing?


            Share object is available for every object(For Account Object share object is Account Share)

            If we want to share records using apex, we have to create a record to the share object.


What are Salesforce Reports?


            a reports is set of records displayed in the form of rows and columns





            When you convert lead records, standard lead fields map to Account, Contact, Opportunity fields.

            for lead converting will use "Lead Mapping".

            We can map custom lead fields into custom fields on the records they are converted into relating ACO.

            you can't delete lead, account, contact or opportunity fields included in Lead custom field mapping. to delete a field, first remove it's mapping.

            you can't change the field type of field that included in lead custom field mapping.

            When mapping lead custom number, currency, or percent fields, the target fields must have Same length and number of decimal places.




Difference between "Invocable method" and "Invocable variable"?


            While we are doing the process builder it is very flexible, some of the business use cases not supported by using process builder.


                                    1. not support out bound messages

                                    2. not support creation of multiple records

                                    3. it does not allow us to dele    te records.


            When no other process action can get the job done, add customized functionality to your Salesforce process by calling an Apex method using Invocable method and variable


Invocable Method: These are used Apex methods that can be called from flows, process builder, REST API too. These methods are annotated with @Invocable Method.

this is have dynamic input and out put values.

Need to be remember some points:

Only one method in a class can have InvocableMethod Annotation

Triggers can't reference Invocable Method

 it won't accept more than one argument as a method parameter

One class can have only one Invocable Method.


What are the different kinds of evaluation criteria (events)?



            Created and every time edited to meet the criteria

            Created and edited to subsequently meet the criteria



Governor Limits?


Total heap size 6 MB/12 MB

Total number of DML statements issued 150

Total number of records retrieved by a single SOSL query  2000

Total number of SOSL queries issued 20

Total number of records retrieved by Database.getQueryLocator 10000

Total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries 50000

Maximum CPU time on the Salesforce servers 10,000ms

Total number of sendEmail methods allowed  10

Total number of call outs in a transaction 100


Can we call trigger from Apex?


You can call an Apex class from Trigger as well. Triggers are called when a specified event occurs and triggers can call the Apex class when executing.


What is the difference between "Self and Hierarchical Relationships?


            Self Relationship - A self relationship creates a tree diagram of the objects. For example, the account has a lookup on himself, called Parent Account.


            Hierarchical Relationship - On the user object a special self-relationship called the hierarchical relationship helps create superior roles such as supervisor, manager on user object.


Considerations and Limitations for Flows in Lightning Pages?


Running Flows from a Lightning Page Input Variable Limitations - These variables aren’t supported. Collection variables Record variables

Record collection variables Deployment Considerations


What is the Flow Element?


Each element represents an action that the flow can execute.

Examples include reading or writing Salesforce data, displaying information and collecting data from flow users, executing business logic, or manipulating data


Process Builder supports which types of processes for your automation needs?


            A record change process starts when a record is created or updated.

            An event process starts when a platform event message is received.

            An invocable process starts when something else, like another process, invokes it. 


In the Login History Page While Creating a List View Which Specific Filter criteria is available?



            Authentication Method Reference

            Login Time

            Login Type

            Login URL

            TLS Protocol

            TLS Cipher Suit


Where are active Currencies Located?


            User Record(Personal setup)

            Company Profile



Standard Fiscal Years are periods that follow Gregorian calendar, but can start on the first day of any month of the year?




Folders are used to manage?


            Either Reports, Dashboards, Documents or Email Templates


Which Objects can be customized for history tracking?


            Cases, leads, Solutions, Contracts and Custom Objects


All fields on the Approval page layout are available to view on the Approval History related list?




Forecasting can be used with Custom Fiscal Years




What information may be updated on the Company Profile?


            Language, Locale and Time Zone


            Fiscal Year


            Primary Contact and Address Information



Custom formula field are recalculated?


            Each time a user views the record


Fields hidden using Field Level Security are subject to Data Validation Rules?




Default values are available for standard text fields?




If a lead is converted without a value in the company field, what happens?


            A Person Account is created


Deleted records will be stored in the Recycle Bin for up to 15 Days




Who can invite Chatter customers into a Chatter Group?


            Group Owner


What feature would a System Admin implement to allow AW Computing prospects/customers to complete a form on the corporate website and have that data automatically become a lead in Salesforce?




Data storage includes the following: (check all that apply)



            E-mail Messages



Validation Rules may evaluate an opportunity line item against the opportunity it's associated with.




What is the different types of communities we have in Salesforce?






What is portal?


            Portals are no longer available in Salesforce. now a days communities are upgraded portals, re-branded as communities


How can you change the setting “Grant Access Using Hierarchies” for Standard Objects?


            It is not possible, by default Grant Access Using Hierarchies options are enabled for standard objects and they can not be changed.

            For custom objects, we can change the “Grant Access Using Hierarchies “settings.


What are the Mandatory points that you think while creating User and Role?


            It’s Profile.


What is visual force controller in Salesforce? What are they?


            Visual force controller is a set of instructions that specify what happens when the user interacts with components on visual force pages, such as buttons & links. There are three types of controllers. They are.


                                    Standard Controller.

                                    Custom controller.

                                    Controller extensions.


What is Standard Controller?


The standard controller provides the Salesforce in-built functionality to interact with Visual force pages. You can use standard actions like Save, Edit, Cancel & delete by using standard controllers.


                        Syntax : <apex:page standardController=”Account”>



What is Standard List Controller?


                        Standard List Controller allows to display list of records in visual force page. Standard list controller provides additional pagination actions (First, Lat, Next & Previous) compared to standard controller.


            Syntax: <apex:page standardController=”Account” recordSetVar=”accounts”>



            Defining this controller is similar to standard controller. But need to add one more attribute recordSetVar


What is Custom Controller?


            Custom controller is an apex class that implements customized logic to VisualForce pages.


            We can override or create new functionality by using custom controllers.


                        Syntax: <apex:page controller=”Account” >


How can you create VisualForce page in Salesforce?


            We can create VisualForce pages in two ways.


                        1. From the setup menu go to Setup-> develop -> Build->Pages-> click on new button to create a page & enter name & code for VisualForce page.


                        2. From the VisualForce editor. Enter /apex/pagename at the URL & create new page in VisualForce editor.


Note: Records


                        1. Owned Records - Created by us

                        2. Shared Records - created by some one but shared with us


Ways to provide security


                        OWD - Organization Wide Defaults - Read/Write - Default all - Most Restrictive user access which is default for all users

                        Role Hierarchy - Read/Write - For Manager roles and sub roles

                        Sharing rules - Read/Write -

  helps us share or open the data visibility to the other groups/roles/roles and sub ordinates on a condition sharing rules can never be stricter than your OWD settings

Manual Sharing - Read/Write - for any user queue/manually sharing the records with some other person If any unique situation comes up then also we can use Manual Sharing Manual Sharing button is enabled when OWD setting for that object is either Private or Public Read only


Who can be the record owners in Salesforce?


            Queues and Salesforce users can be the record owners. Where as public groups can't be the owners of Salesforce records


Process Builder: It is a tool provided by Salesforce. To automate a business process without writing a single line of code.


                        It Invoke only two ways=>           1. A record is created or Edited

                                                                                    2. Another Process call

Process Builder will be performed these actions:     ->Create a new record

->Submit for Approval  ->Update related records  ->Call apex class  ->Post to chatter  ->Email Alert  ->Quick Action  ->Call flow/ Process


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