1. What is SOQL?

Ans: SOQL stands for Salesforce Object Query Language.

  • SOQL is used to retrieve the data from Database.
  • It is syntactically  similar to SQL
  • We can write SOQL query in apex code or in Query editor( in Developer console).
  • We can retrieve data from single object or from multiple objects which are related to each other
  • We can have 100 SOQL queries per transaction.
  • We can retrieve 50000 records using SOQL query or queries.
        Syntax: SELECT 
                     GROUP BY
                     ORDER BY
                     FOR{VIEW, UPDATE}

Parent to Child( Inner query )
 Whenever we writing query on Parent Object, we need child records that are associated with that parent then we go for inner query 
    Standard Objects:  
          SELECT Id,Name,(SELECT Id,Name FROM Contacts) FROM Account
              Account : Parent Object
              Contact  : Child Object
* Inside inner query we need to give relationship name. In the above example Contacts is the relationship name between Account and Contact.

  Custom Objeccts: 
  SELECT Id,Name,(SELECT Id,Name FROM Student1__r) FROM Company__c;
        Company__c : Parent Object
         Student__c    :  Child Object
         Relationship name between this Objects Student1. 
        For Custom Objects we need to append with __r.
        i.e Student1__r.(Child relationship name __r).

Child to Parent
  When we are writing query on child object, but  we also need parent of that child record means then we go for Child to Parent Query.
Standard Objects:
 SELECT Id,Name,Account.Name,Account.Active__c FROM Contact;
            Contact: Child Object
            Account : Parent Object
We can query parent record fields with .(dot) notation

Custom Objects:
SELECT Id,Name,Company__r.Name,Company__r.Active__c FROM Student__c;
            Company__c : Parent Object
            Student__c    : Child Object
* for custom objects we need to use Parent__r.FieldName 

Note: When we are writing a query from child to parent, relationship name will be Master-Detail Field Name or Lookup Field Name.

Queries can be executed in formats like:
  • List<Sobject> result = [query statements];
  • List<sObject> result = Database.getQueryLocator
  • Database.QueryLocator  result = Database.getQueryLocator(query Statement);
  • Map<Id,sObject> result = new Map<Id,sObject>([query statement]);
Date Literals(Keywords) in Salesforce
    DATE and TIME  keywords


    DATE and TIME methods 

Query Examples:

1. Write a query to fetch Accounts that do not have any Contacts?

Ans: [SELECT  Id,Name FROM Account WHERE  Id  NOT  IN(SELECT AccountId FROM Contact)];

2. Write a query to fetch Accounts that have atleast one Contact?

Ans:[SELECT  Id,Name FROM Account WHERE  Id  IN(SELECT AccountId FROM Contact)];

3. There is a Queue with name MyQueue. How to query it using SOQL from the database?

Ans: Queues will store in Group Object. To query for MyQueue from the database using SOQL, we should use the following syntax.
Group grp=[SELECT Id,Name FROM Group WHERE Name='MyQueue' and  Type='Queue' LIMIT 1];

4. How to query deleted records in Salesforce?

Ans: We can query deleted records using   isDeleted=TRUE and ALLROWS. 
List<Account> acc=[SELECT Id,Name,IsDeleted  FROM Account  WHERE  IsDeleted=TRUE];

5. Write SOQL to fetch  from 5th osition  Account records from 10 records.
  List<Account> accs=[SELECT  Id,Name, FROM  Account  LIMIT 10  OFFSET 5];

6.Write a SOQL query to fetch last or recently  10 Accounts created.
 List<Account> accounts=[SELECT Id,Name FROM Account  ORDER BY  DESC  LIMIT 10 ];

7. Write a SOQL query to fetch all those opportunities whose Stageame is prospecting and amount is greater han 50000?
  List<Opportunity> opp=[SELECT Id,Name,Stagename,Amount FROM Opportunity WHERE Stagename='Prospecting'  AND Amount>50000]; 

8. How can you lock records in apex code using SOQL?
    List<Account> accounts=[SELECT Id,Name FROM Account LIMIT 2 FOR UPDATE];
* The above query can lock the records.
Note: FOR UPDATE will be used only in Apex classes and Triggers.
Like clause in soql?
Ans: Like cluase is used to compare the string values or used to search for the string value in the given fields.
           '%'  it is used for any number of characters
           '_'    it is used for only one character

9. Write a query to fetch all the accounts whose name starts with United?
      SELECT Id,Name,Phone FROM Account WHERE Name Like 'United%'

10. Write a query to fetch Accounts with corresponding contacts whose phone number is 12345?
   List<Account> accList=[SELECT Id,Name,(SELECT Id,LastName,Phone  FROM Contacts WHERE Phone=12345) FROM Account];

11. Write a SOQL Quey to fetch the Leads whose Record type as Partner
List<Lead> leads= [SELECT  Id, Name,RecordType FROM Lead WHERE RecordType.Name='Partner'];

12. How to use multi select picklist field in SOQL?
  SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE msFieldName  includes('AA', 'BBB', 'CCCC')

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