Exercise: Adding Choices

 Choices can be added as a resource to provide the end-user with options to select on Screen flows.

Standard Choices

Choices can be Individual, not connected to any records or record values.

Create a new Screen flow and add a new resource:

Select Choice as the Resource Type.

For these standard choices, you need to define each individual value:

And the second value:

You now have two values defined that can be used for a choice.

Record Choices

A list of records can also be used as a choice. 

Create another resource but select Record Choice Set:

Select the object to provide this list of records and filter as required so you do not display too many records.

Picklist Choice

The final type of choice is from a picklist on an existing object.

Create another resource, this time selecting Picklist Choice Set:

Now you have defined the three types of choices, you need to see them in action.

Create a new Screen Element:

Drag a picklist component to the canvas and configure as shown.

Select the first choice:

Next, add the second choice so you now have two:

Drag another picklist component to the canvas and configure to use the Record Choice (choice_accounts):

Drag a third picklist component to the canvas and configure it to use the Industry:

Save your flow (as "Choices") and click Debug to see the results:

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